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TV Emcee--Yang Lan Profile Yang Lan, born in 1968 in Beijing, who holds a master's degree from Columbia University in the United States, is one of China's 50 most successful entrepreneurs and probably China's wealthiest self-made woman. Yang Lan was 21 in her last year at the Beijing Foreign Studies University in 1990 when she auditioned for – and won -- the position of host of the Zheng Da variety show on China Central Television. Within a year Zheng Da, a prime-time-Saturday celebrity quiz and talk show, was China's top-rated TV program, with an audience of 220 million. Despite her celebrity, Yang Lan quit the show after four years to go to New York where she spent two years earning a master's degree at Columbia University's School of International & Public Affairs. Yang's TV skills are matched by a keen mind for business. In 1999, with her husband, Bruno Wu Zheng, she started her own media company, Sun Television Cyber networks (Sun TV). Traded on the Hong Kong stock exchange since last April, Sun TV was valued at $179 million on Nov. 3. Yang owns 35%, worth $63 million. Yang's mother was an engineer, and her father taught English literature at Beijing Foreign Studies University and sometimes served as the official translator for former Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai. Yang Lan was appointed one of the image ambassadors of Beijing in its 2008 bid in January, joining Deng Yaping and two other Chinese women to be so honored: Gong Li, the film actress, and Sang Lan, the gymnast who was paralyzed in 1998 as she represented China at the Goodwill Game in the United States.




1 不是批评不得,你一句|这演讲大,空,结构松散| 就是很有理有据了么?我只听了一遍,但我觉得她说的很好,她开场用中国苏三大妈的那个例子算有趣吧?然后说到她自己当年毕业应聘的迷茫,然后讲到现在的中国孩子有什么想法,他们的现状,他们的困难,最后是中国的希望,这结构还松散?告诉我,怎样不叫松散!她用了十几分钟时间,把中国的一些热点都说到位了,很hold住好不好!
2 你说不会做菜就不能评价好坏,不是的!而是你在批评之后要提出中肯的意见,你不能只说,不好吃!你可以说太咸了或者太淡了或者太油了,你得有理由。如果这是说不好吃,你就是没有资格评论,因为你不是专业的,所谓术业有专攻,批评别人的时候,要看看自己有没有资本。人云亦云有意思么?