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my skin,skin歌词翻译



歌名:skin 歌曲原唱:Madonna 所属专辑:Ray of Light Do I know you from somewhere 我是否曾与你相识 Why do you leave me wanting more 为何你让我想要更多 Why do all the things I say 为什么我的话语 Sound like the stupid things I said before? 听起来像我以前说过的傻话 Kiss me I'm dying 亲吻我,我要死了 Put your hand on my skin 抚摸我的皮肤 I close my eyes 我闭上眼睛 I need to make a connection 我需要链接我们 I'm walking on a thin line 我走在一条细线上 I close my eyes 我闭上眼睛 I close my eyes 我闭上眼睛 Do I know you from somewhere 我是否曾与你相识 Why do you leave me wanting more 为何你让我想要更多 Why do all the things I say 为什么我的话语 Sound like the stupid things I said before? 听起来像我以前说过的傻话 Touch me I'm trying 触碰我,我在试着 To see inside of your soul 看清你的灵魂 I've got this thing 我已拥有了 I want to make a correction 我要试着去改变 I'm not like this all the time 我可不是一直这样 You've got this thing 我已拥有你 You've got this thing 我已拥有你 Do I know you from somewhere 我是否曾与你相识 Why do you leave me wanting more 为何你让我想要更多 Why do all the things I say 为什么我的话语 Sound like the stupid things I said before? 听起来像我以前说过的傻话 Kiss me I'm dying 亲吻我,我要死了 Put your hand on my skin 抚摸我的皮肤 I close my eyes 我闭上眼睛 I need to have your protection 我需要你的保护 I close my eyes 我闭上眼睛 I close your eyes 我闭上眼睛 Do I know you from somewhere 我是否曾与你相识 Why do you leave me wanting more 为何你让我想要更多 Why do all the things I say 为什么我的话语 Sound like the stupid things I said before 听起来像我以前说过的傻话 (Repeat until end) repeat until end 扩展资料:有人说这是麦当娜最为成功的一张专辑,它使许多讨厌麦当娜“物质女孩”风格的人不得不对麦当娜另眼相看。 1998年麦当娜推出《Ray of Light》,实验了新的音乐风格,她原本以为反映不会太大,但出人意料的是这张唱片迅速登上了排行榜的首位,并自此共4次荣获白金奖。并且被公认为是电子音乐的巅峰之作。 “Ray of Light”(光线)在90年代末期改变了Madonna以前流行舞曲的风格,成为了Madonna继“Like a Prayer”之后销量最大的唱片。 这张专辑揉合了时下流行的电子舞曲元素,如Trip-Hop、Bass等,营造一种科技与未来的迷幻空间。 这张唱片的制作是威廉姆-奥比特(William Orbit), 这是她自1994年的专辑《给孩子上床前讲的故事》(Bedtime Stories)以来第一次以全新的衣着、形象亮相,表明“物质妈妈”(麦当娜的别称,由其名曲“Material Girl”而来)已经与新的舞蹈音乐的风格完美地结合起来了,将传统流行音乐的风格推向一个新的领域。 很明显,就象她的《Austin Powers》中的2首单曲一样,奥比特的努力使“Beautiful Stranger”迅速走红,并为麦当娜赢得了最佳电影MTV音乐电视奖,麦当娜又重新获得了新生。专辑使麦当娜得到当年最佳流行专辑、最佳舞曲以及最佳音乐录影带3个Grammy奖项。 歌手简介: 麦当娜,这个流行的象征,时尚的符号,已经陪伴了全世界四分之一个世纪。 与众不同的Madonna ,深深影响了流行乐的发展,流行天后简直成了麦当娜的专有名词,也许有人说她不是最伟大的,不是最优秀的,但也不得不承认她是最红,最成功的歌手之一。 身为“摇滚女王”,麦当娜给摇滚乐注入了新的活力,全世界无数次为她疯狂,直到现在,麦当娜的巨星光芒依然不减,无论时代在变,一代又一代人,麦当娜证明了她的流行并不是红极一时,而是超越时间的当红。麦当娜已在20世纪和新世纪的流行乐史上烙下了深深的印记。


2,跪求sarah connor的under my skin中文歌词

Sarah Connor 《under my skin》

you're not the type of man who shake my hand like nice to meet ya (cha)
you pull me in and then begin to let your body say
all is possible, now i know ooooh
the lights are dimmed and takes my limits off a million meters
灯光暗淡 不禁使我放纵自己
you breaking my chains again but nothing remains the same
now i'm hypnotized, realized ooooh
你再次打碎我的枷锁 但是一切都已改变 我现在迷惑而又清醒
when we touch i can feel we've got a chemistry
当我们互相抚摸 我感觉到了化学反应
can't get enough watch out when you stand so close to me
你离我如此之近让 我完全没有了防备
i've got you under my skin
when we touch i can feel we've got a chemistry
当我们互相抚摸 我感觉到了化学反应
can't get enough watch out when you stand so close to me
i've got you under my skin
it turns me on when all your pupil you're my teacher teacher
get in position that's my mission on the floor tonight
这让我变的兴奋 你是我的老师 老师已经就位 今晚我的任务是躺在地板上
i've been exercised, sensitized ooooh
the way that you perform the close at torn right off the rig dab
checking' the room again, un taming the beast within
and if they ask me why can't deny ooooh
when we touch i can feel we've got a chemistry
当我们互相抚摸 我感觉到了化学反应
can't get enough watch out when you stand so close to me
i've got you under my skin
you send me off i can't wait to feel your hands on me
你让我离开 我迫不及待要你的抚摸
and when we rock feels just like the devil's riding' me
当我们一起摇摆 就像魔鬼进入了我的身体
i've got you under my skin
come over here, boy
i want your one, one, one
i made a clear, boy
来吧,宝贝 我要你,我确信
i want to have some fun
i want you
i wane you
i've got this feeling
and it just won't stop
it's getting so hot
come help me take this off
i want you
i wane you
under my skin
我要你 我要你 酷到我的骨子里
when we touch i can feel we've got a chemistry
当我们互相抚摸 我感觉到了化学反应
can't get enough watch out when you stand so close to me
i've got you under my skin
you send me off i can't wait to feel your hands on me
你让我离开 我迫不及待要你的抚摸
and when we rock it feels just like the devil's right in me
当我们一起摇摆 感觉就像魔鬼进入了我的身体
i've got you under my skin
when we touch i can feel we've got a chemistry
当我们互相抚摸 我感觉到了化学反应
can't get enough watch out when you stand so close to me
i've got you under my skin

3,under my skin 是什么意思??

Under the Skin
I'll admit Nancy got under my skin yesterday.


Whereas I can keep you, because I'll never let you get under my skin.


I met Jack there, I cannot explain why, but it seems he really gets under my skin most of the times.


get under my skin使我生气

Getting Under My Skin眼中钉

Under My Skin Diary酷到骨子里日记

够啦吧 不够再联系我吧

4,Natalie Merchant 的《 My Skin 》歌词

"My Skin"

Take a look at my body
Look at my hands
There's so much here
That I don't understand

Your face saving promises
Whispered like prayers
I don't need them
I don't need them

I've been treated so wrong
I've been treated so long
As if I'm becoming untouchable

Contempt loves the silence
It thrives in the dark
With fine winding tendrils
That strangle the heart

They say that promises
Sweeten the blow
But I don't need them
No, I don't need them

I've been treated so wrong
I've been treated so long
As if I'm becoming untouchable

I'm a slow dying flower
Frost killing hour
The sweet turning sour
And untouchable

O, I need
The darkness
The sweetness
The sadness
The weakness
I need this

I need
A lullaby
A kiss goodnight
Angel sweet
Love of my life
O, I need this

Do you remember the way
That you touched me before
All the trembling sweetness
I loved and adored?

Your face saving promises
Whispered like prayers
I don't need them
No, I don't need them

O, I need
The darkness
The sweetness
The sadness
The weakness
I need this

I need
A lullaby
A kiss goodnight
The angel sweet
Love of my life
I need this

Is it dark enough?
Can you see me?
Do you want me?
Can you reach me?
Or I'm leaving

You better shut your mouth
Hold your breath
Kiss me now you'll catch my death
O, I mean it

5,帮忙翻译一下这首Under My Skin的歌词

我给你我的皮肤下我得到了你内心深处我今晚的灵魂我给你我的皮肤下在我的脑海中,我得到了你的秘密错过我只是无法解释这是怎么回事就在这里有些事情也许如此简单, everyworld必须消失可是为什么我觉得里面的你我觉得你里面没有我知道怎么就是觉得完全正确当我得到了你在我的皮肤当我得到了你在我的皮肤我给你我的皮肤下今晚我得到了你我的vains下方我给你我的皮肤下我给你跟踪我的每一个部分我只是无法解释这是怎么回事就在这里有些事情也许如此简单,它不需要眼睛去看所以为什么〜我觉得你里面我觉得你里面没有我知道怎么就是觉得完全正确当我得到了你在我的皮肤当我得到了你在我的皮肤当我得到了你在我身边我的头就在于你的手当我得到了你在我身边你可以看到我们每个人都在空气中你们所知道究竟我是谁为什么〜我觉得你里面我觉得你里面没有我知道怎么就是觉得完全正确当我得到了你在我的皮肤当我得到了你在我的皮肤当我把你我的皮肤下。当我得到了你在我的皮肤...

6,求一首英文歌 女生唱的 有句是…from your touch ……in my hair…我只知道这么多

Maria Arredondo的burning

Passion is sweet强烈的感情是甜蜜的
Love makes weak而爱使我们脆弱
You said you cherished freedom so你说你珍惜你的自由
You refuse to let it go所以你拒绝丢失它

Follow your fate跟随你的命运
Love and hate不管是爱还是憎恨
Never fail to seize the day, 紧紧抓住那一天
But dont give yourself away .不要给你自己离开的机会

Oh when the night falls哦 当夜晚降临
And your all alone你所有的孤独也降临
In your deepest sleep what在你沉沉的睡眠之中
Are you dreaming of你正在梦到什么
My skin\'s still burning from your touch我的皮肤因为你的碰触而剧烈燃烧
Oh I just can\'t get enough I哦 我就是不能变得满足
Said I wouldnt ask for much我说我不要求很多
But your eyes are dangerous但是你的眼睛太危险
Oh the thought keep spinning in my head因此我在头脑里继续编织世界
Can we drop this masquerade我们能沉迷于这个化装舞会吗/我们能不能脱下虚伪的妆容
I can\t predict where it ends我不能预测它什么时候结束
If your the rock I'll crush against如果你是岩石,我将打碎它
Trapped in a crowd大家被困在这里
The music is loud音乐的声音很大
I said I love my freedom to我说我也爱我的自由
Now I'm not sure I do现在我却不能确信我是否真的如此
All eyes on you所有的目光注视着你
Rings so true光环是那么的真实
Better quit while you\'re ahead当你的思想都离开时
Now I'm not so sure I am现在我更不确信我是否真的如此
Oh when the night falls哦 当夜晚降临
And your all alone你所有的孤独也降临
In your deepest sleep what在你沉沉的睡眠之中
Are you dreaming of你正在梦到什么
My skin\'s still burning from your touch我的皮肤因为你的碰触而剧烈燃烧
Oh I just can't get enough I哦 我就是不能变得满足
Said I wouldn't ask for much我说我不要求很多
But your eyes are dangerous但是你的眼睛太危险
Oh the thought keep spinning in my head因此我在头脑里继续编织世界
Can we drop this masquerade我们能沉迷于这个化装舞会吗 /我们能不能脱下虚伪的妆容
I can't predict where it ends我不能预测它什么时候结束
If your the rock I'll crush against如果你是岩石,我将打碎它
My soul my heart我的灵魂, 我的心
If you're near if you\'re far如果你靠近或远离
My life my love我的生活, 我的爱
You can have it all....ooohaaaah.你便能拥有全部
Oh when the night falls哦 当夜晚降临
And your all alone你所有的孤独也降临
In your deepest sleep what在你沉沉的睡眠之中
Are you dreaming of
My skin's still burning from your touch
Oh I just can't get enough I
哦 我就是不能变得满足
Said I wouldn't ask for much
But your eyes are dangerous
Oh the thought keep spinning in my head
Can we drop this masquerade
我们能沉迷于这个化装舞会吗 /我们能不能脱下虚伪的妆容
I can't predict where it ends
If your the rock I'll crush against
If your the rock I'll crush against

7,神起《咒文》里under my skin 是什么意思大神们帮帮忙

“把你掌控在手” i got you 是我了解你,俘获了你的意思 Under my skin,是在我的眼皮底下,在我的骨子里的意思. 对你了如指掌,你就是完全在我掌控之下,无法逃脱了的意思。 但可以理解成我已经把你放在我的内心深处了~或者把你铭刻在骨髓里那样. 个人认为前一个解释比较好。“把你掌控在手,让你无法逃脱”这个和整个歌词的氛围相配,因为“你对我着迷 你为我疯狂 你是我的奴隶”

8,东方神起《咒文》中的英文“I got you under my skin”等什么意思?

【i love it when you got no shame do damn thing so insane!】

SHAME这个词那就是害羞的意思,NO SHAME顾名思义就是不害羞,就是大方,大胆 !

1 该死的,糟透的;(口语里面常用,一般都是用这个意思,)
2 完全的,十足的
第一个意思翻译完 说的粗糙点通俗点
【 yeah i am in your aim!】
翻译: 【我被你锁定】


允浩:i love it when you got no shame,do damn thing so insane (翻译:我爱你因为你够放荡=淫荡=下流=请自行意会想象)
有天:you love it when i play you game! work that i'm in you aim (继续翻译:你爱我是因为我ENJOY你的游戏,够投入。我的综合强力版本:你爱我,是因为我热衷于跟你玩这些淫荡的游戏==)
yeah, i'm in you aim (这句--只可意会真的不能言传,要真说的话就是:你是我淫荡的目标,倒过来意思也是一样-- )
you know you got it

9,跪求E神《stranger under my skin》的歌词意思 表达什么···求高手指教

  歌曲:Stranger under my skin   

  Love is a mystery to me  
  She was once here,and now she's someone   that I could not bear   No matter how I tried 'll the day I died  
  Damages are done and hidden within  
  Those were the thing that were hidden under my skin  
  (那些就是躲在我皮肤下的东西)   日 晒在眉梢 夜 染在唇角   即使可素脸 可找到替身   继续 渴望年轻 并 渴望前看   往事没言语 在皮下呼吸   要到哪里 会碰不到故人   要在哪片大镜中发现我没有遗憾   从没有抛不开的一种吻   难以过去的叫灵魂   能藏下多少的亲爱 想不到哪段最吸引   在大笑后哭泣 熟悉过然后陌生   但并未陌路 在皮肤碰面 是皱纹   All the burning roses   Filled up with ashes   (燃烧着的玫瑰充满着灰烬)   Crying out loud but no time for condolences   (放声痛哭却已经没有时间去哀悼)   Like a stranger's 'stare',she never cared   (像一个陌生人的”眼光“,她从不在乎)   Those were the thing that were hidden under my skin   (那些就是躲在我皮肤下的东西)   愿 快乐如一 若 美丽残缺   岁月极微细 从皮上渗入   要到哪里 见每一个故人   要在哪片大镜中炫耀我没法再生   从没有抛不开的一种吻   难以过去的叫灵魂   能藏下多少的亲爱 想不到哪段最吸引   在大笑后哭泣 熟悉过然后陌生   但并未陌路 在皮肤碰面 是皱纹   从没有抛不开的一种吻   谁已老去都有灵魂   能藏下多少的相信 可相信以后更吸引   未做到亦一生 或者我才是陌生   但并未陌路 在皮肤碰面 是皱纹   Drifing alone, on my own   (孤独的流浪,一个人)   Be it a car or a shooting star   (一辆汽车,或一颗流星)   Its glare finally came to the end of something   I could not bear   (它的光芒最终变成我不能承受的东西)   Those were the thing that were hidden under my skin   (这些就是躲在我皮肤下的东西 )