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《La la love on my mind》歌手安·温斯博恩(Ann Winsborn)。
歌手安·温斯博恩(Ann Winsborn)是瑞典籍歌手,出生于瑞典南部的港口城市马尔默市。发售过两张专辑,以及若干张单曲。《La la love on my mind》是她的代表性作品,风靡世界,也是|DJ舞曲|《冰河时代1》的插曲之一。
郭美美翻唱的《爱的答铃》,和邵雨涵翻唱的《拉拉爱》均源自于《La la love on my mind》。
hm...you will be line never my life
one will it take and the life to live
i ask for sunshine and left to give
longly for your gists
longly for your arms to be hold me
i took the friday night flight
paris here i come couldn,t live without you
you re the only one
got the note you wrote me
know it all by heart
oh nothing s gonna keep us apart
there is only..la la love on my mind
gonna leave my la la love on the line
baby just surrender, you ll be la lucky tonight
looking out for ooh la la la l,amour
and i m gonna la la love you toujours
there s no doubt about it
you re the la love of my life
don t care about my suitcase
gonna grab a cab
let your arms unfold me
give you all i have
boy you got me dreamin
you re a kiss away
in your arms i m going to stay
there is only
la la love on my mind
gonna leave my la la love on the line
baby just surrender
you ll be la lucky tonight
looking out for ooh la la la l amour
and i m gonna la la love you toujours
there s no doubt about it
you re the la love of my life
la la love on my mind
gonna leave my la la love on the line
baby just surrender
you ll be la lucky tonight
looking out for ooh la la la l amour
and i m gonna la la love you toujours
there s no doubt about it
you re the la love of my life
there s no doubt about it
you re the la love of my life


2,(强求)拉拉爱英文版〈La La Love On My Mind〉歌词and中文翻译

one way ticket and of life to live 体验生命的单程票
pockets full of sunshine 装满阳光的口袋
lots of love to give 可以奉献许许多多的爱
longing for your kisses 向往你的吻
longing for your arms to be holding me 期待你用双臂将我环抱
i took the friday night flight乘周五的夜机
paris here i come 来到巴黎
couldn't live without you不能没有你相伴
you're the only one 你是唯一
got the note you wrote me 收到留言
know it all by heart心领神会
oh nothing's gonna keep us apart 哦,什么也不能把我们分开
there is only la la love on my mind 只要啦啦爱在我身边
gonna leave my la la love on the line 将要离开我的啦啦爱,登上飞机
baby just surrender 宝贝,放纵一下
you'll be la lucky tonight今夜你是幸运的
looking out for ooh la la la l'amour 寻找啦啦爱
and i'm gonna la la love you toujours我将永远爱你的啦啦爱
there's no doubt about it毫无疑问
you're the la love of my life你就是我的啦啦爱
don't care about my suitcase别在意旅行箱
gonna grab a cab拦辆计程车吧
let your arms unfold me向我展开你的双臂
give you all i have 给你我的全部
boy you got me dreamin男生,你让我朝思暮想
you're a kiss away 你是离别的一吻
in your arms i'm going to stay 在你怀里我都不想离开
there is only la la love on my mind 只要啦啦爱在我身边
gonna leave my la la love on the line 将要离开我的啦啦爱,登上飞机
baby just surrender 宝贝,放纵一下
you'll be la lucky tonight今夜你是幸运的
looking out for ooh la la la l'amour 寻找啦啦爱
and i'm gonna la la love you toujours我将永远爱你的啦啦爱
there's no doubt about it毫无疑问
you're the la love of my life你就是我的啦啦爱
la la love on my mind啦啦爱在我身边
gonna leave my la la love on the line 将要离开我的啦啦爱,登上飞机
baby just surrender 宝贝,放纵一下
you'll be la lucky tonight今夜你是幸运的
looking out for ooh la la la l'amour 寻找啦啦爱
and i'm gonna la la love you toujours我将永远爱你的啦啦爱
there's no doubt about it毫无疑问
you're the la love of my life你就是我的啦啦爱
there's no doubt about it毫无疑问
you're the la love of my life你就是我的啦啦爱


叫lala love (拉拉爱)下面是歌词 La la la la la la Mhmm... You’re the la love of my life One way ticket and of life to live Pockets full of sunshine Lots of love to give Longing for your kisses Longing for your arms to be holding me. I took the Friday night flight Paris here I come Couldn’t live without you You're the only one Got the note you wrote me – know it all by heart Oh nothing’s gonna keep us apart. There is only... La la love on my mind, Gonna leave my la la love on the line, Baby just surrender, you’ll be la lucky tonight. Looking out for ooh la la la l’amour And I’m gonna la la love you toujours. There’s no doubt about it, You’re the la love of my life. Don’t care about my suitcase, Gonna grab a cab, Let your arms unfold me Give you all I have Boy you got me dreamin’ You’re a kiss away In your arms I’m going to stay There is only... La la love on my mind, Gonna leave my la la love on the line, Baby just surrender, you’ll be la lucky tonight. Looking out for ooh la la la l’amour And I’m gonna la la love you toujours. There’s no doubt about it, You’re the la love of my life. There’s no doubt about it You’re the la love of my life


歌曲名:《La La Love On My Mind 》
La la la la la la…
You’re the la love of my life
One way ticket and of life to live
Pockets full of sunshine
Lots of love to give
Longing for your kisses
Longing for your arms to be holding me.
I took the Friday night flight
Paris here I come
Couldn’t live without you
You're the only one
Got the note you wrote me – know it all by heart
Oh nothing’s gonna keep us apart.
There is only...
La la love on my mind,
Gonna leave my la la love on the line,
Baby just surrender, you’ll be la lucky tonight.
Looking out for ooh la la la l’amour
And I’m gonna la la love you toujours.
There’s no doubt about it,
You’re the la love of my life.
Don’t care about my suitcase,
Gonna grab a cab,
Let your arms unfold me
Give you all I have
Boy you got me dreamin’
You’re a kiss away
In your arms I’m going to stay
There is only...
La la love on my mind,
Gonna leave my la la love on the line,
Baby just surrender, you’ll be la lucky tonight.
Looking out for ooh la la la l’amour
And I’m gonna la la love you toujours.
There’s no doubt about it,
You’re the la love of my life.
There’s no doubt about it
You’re the la love of my life


5,一首英文歌是女生唱的,歌词中有很多MONSTER 求歌名

歌曲:《monster》 演 唱:Skillet 歌词: The secret side of me 我内心隐藏的秘密 I never let you see 并未让你发现 I keep it caged but I can't control it 我将其禁锢却发现难以抑制 So stay away from me 离我远一些 The beast is ugly 这头野兽太凶险 I feel the rage and I just can't hold it 我能感受到那愤怒肆虐难挡 It's scratchin on the walls 它正在墙上留下爪痕 In the closet, in the halls 在衣柜里和走廊上 It comes awake and I can't control it 它苏醒过来,我无法控制 Hiding under the bed 藏匿在床底下 In my body, in my head 在我躯体中,脑海里 Why won't somebody come and 为什么没人能过来 Save me from this make it end 从这拯救我,了结它 I feel it deep within 我感到它深入骨髓 It's just beneath the skin 就在皮底之下作恶 I must confess that I feel like a monster 我必须坦承自己犹如一头怪物! I hate what I've become 我憎恨现在这个模样 The nightmare's just begun 梦魇才正刚刚开始 I must confess that I feel like a monster! 我不得不忏悔自己任由怪物肆虐! I, I feel like a monster 我感觉自己像怪物 I, I feel like a monster 我感到怪物的存在 My secret side I keep 我守着的秘密 Hid under lock and key 上了锁并藏起来 I keep it caged but I can't control it 将它囚禁却发现无法控制 Cause if I let him out 因为一旦我放它出来 He'll tear me up, break me down 它必定会将我粉碎在地 Why won't somebody come and 为什么没人能过来 Save me from this make it end 从这拯救我,了结它 I feel it deep within 我感到它深入骨髓 It's just beneath the skin 就在皮底之下作恶 I must confess that I feel like a monster! 我必须坦承自己犹如一头怪物! I hate what I've become 我憎恨现在这个模样 The nightmare's just begun 梦魇才正刚刚开始 I must confess that I feel like a monster! 我不得不忏悔自己任由怪物肆虐! I feel it deep within 我感到它深入骨髓 It's just beneath the skin 就在皮底之下作恶 I must confess that I feel like a monster! 我必须坦承自己犹如一头怪物! I, I feel like a monster 我感觉自己像怪物 I, I feel like a monster 我感到怪物的存在 It's hidin in the dark 它藏匿在黑暗中 Its teeth are razor sharp 牙齿如利刃般尖锐 There's no escape for me 我无处可逃 It wants my soul it wants my heart 它想夺取我灵魂,吞噬我的心 No one can hear me scream 没有谁能听到我的嘶吼 Maybe its just a dream 或许这只是一个梦 Maybe its inside of me 或许只存与我心里 Stop this monster 阻止这头野兽 I feel it deep within 我感到它深入骨髓 It's just beneath the skin 就在皮底之下作恶 I must confess that I FEEL LIKE MONSTER! 我必须坦承自己犹如一头怪物! I hate what I've become 我憎恨现在这个模样 The nightmare's just begun 梦魇才正刚刚开始 I must confess that I feel like a monster! 我不得不忏悔自己任由怪兽肆虐! I feel it deep within 我感到它深入骨髓 It's just beneath the skin 就在皮底之下作恶 I must confess that I feel like a monster! 我必须坦承自己犹如一头怪物! I gotta lose control 我憎恨现在这个模样 Here's something radical 梦魇才正刚刚开始 I must confess that I feel like a monster! 我不得不忏悔自己任由怪兽肆虐! I, I feel like a monster! 我,我犹如怪兽般可怕! I, I feel like a monster! 我,我感到怪兽的存在! I, I feel like a monster! 我,我犹如怪兽般可怕! I, I feel like a monster! 我,我感到怪兽的存在! 扩展资料 创作背景 Monster是一首由Skillet乐队演唱的歌曲,这首歌曲曾多次用于游戏玩家的剪辑视频中,此歌曲在主流摇滚排行榜中排名第1。 Skillet是来自美国Memphis的著名Christian Rock乐队,1996年组建,由John Coopper主唱兼贝斯手,他的妻子Korey Cooper吉他兼键盘手,Seth Morrison吉他手,Jen Ledger鼓手组成。 乐队以健康歌词和积极向上的态度来得到基督教听众认识和喜爱,这也是Christian Rock的本质(当然可以有多种多样的风格了)。


我知道了 ,On the Floor 是这个!!!

Dance the night away
Live your life and stay young on the floor
Dance the night away
Grab somebody, drink a little more

Tonight we gon be it on the floor
Tonight we gon be it on the floor
I know you got it
Clap your hands on the floor
And keep on rockin’
Rock it up on the floor


歌手:邵雨涵 专辑:舞曲大碟

?? 搜索"拉拉爱"LRC歌词
?? 搜索"拉拉爱"mp3

一起来跳吧没有人喊cut 凌晨两点以前


歌名:拉拉爱 歌手:邵雨涵 所属专辑:舞曲大碟 作词:邵雨涵 作曲:邵雨涵 拉拉拉拉拉拉拉拉拉,只有跳舞才能 让我的心情自由散发,一起来跳吧 没有人喊CUT,凌晨两点以前 谁也别回家,可爱MADUSHA 甩动着头发,我的麦当娜 不管是它他她,还是菲奥娜 空气中的温度,把一切蒸发 冰淇淋融化在,旋转的木马 盛开灿烂的烟花,跟着音乐拉拉拉 不想他,跟着音乐拉拉拉 不回家,只有跳舞才能 让我的心情自由散发,跟着音乐拉拉拉 不想他,跟着音乐拉拉拉 不回家,只有跳舞才能 让我的心情自由散发,不管是它他她 还是菲奥娜,空气中的温度 把一切蒸发,冰淇淋融化在 旋转的木马,盛开灿烂的烟花 跟着音乐拉拉拉,不想他 跟着音乐拉拉拉,不回家 只有跳舞才能,让我的心情自由散发 跟着音乐拉拉拉,不想他 跟着音乐拉拉拉,不回家 只有跳舞才能,让我的心情自由散发 跟着音乐拉拉拉,不想他 跟着音乐拉拉拉,不回家 只有跳舞才能,让我的心情自由散发 跟着音乐拉拉拉,不想他 跟着音乐拉拉拉,不回家 只有跳舞才能,让我的心情自由散发 只有跳舞才能,让我的心情自由散发 扩展资料: 《拉拉爱》是邵雨涵演唱的歌曲。 歌曲争议 邵雨涵的《拉拉爱》在网上引起悍然大波,其一是因为歌名非常直接表明了女性同性之间的爱情,歌词大胆的表白,也这首歌在短时间内受到网友的关注,不乏女同志们利用这首歌来表达情感。 这首歌在北京某拉拉吧播放率最高。同时这首首近年来一直盘踞各大音乐排行榜的前几名。此外,邵雨涵在接受媒体采访时说到这首歌是女同性恋的歌曲时,邵雨涵说:“无论是异性还是同性的爱,只要是真心的,都值得被尊重,爱情是不分性别年龄的。


恋爱新手 歌词:喜欢对着镜子自问自答 你最喜欢的到底是那一个他 不经意上扬的唇角它会说话 最爱看阳光下的你随意挥洒 每一次我和你遇见 发现希望无限 充满魔法能源 就会快乐一整天 你一点点的微笑就会让我勇敢 就算是有了别人我还在你身旁 我依然还是对你念念不忘 所以我只能够在天天幻想 啦啦爱我 啦啦爱你 你说爱我 我说爱你 祝BOBO组合专辑《世界之大》大麦~ 喜欢对着镜子自问自答 你最喜欢的到底是那一个他 不经意上扬的唇角它会说话 最爱看阳光下的你随意挥洒 每一次我和你遇见 发现希望无限 充满魔法能源 就会快乐一整天 你一点点的微笑就会让我勇敢 就算是有了别人我还在你身旁 我依然还是对你念念不忘 所以我只能够在天天幻想 啦啦爱我 啦啦爱你 你说爱我 我说爱你 你一点点的微笑就会让我勇敢 就算是有了别人我还在你身旁 我依然还是对你念念不忘 所以我只能够在天天幻想 你一点点的微笑就会让我勇敢 就算是有了别人我还在你身旁 我依然还是对你念念不忘 所以我只能够在天天幻想 你一点点的微笑就会让我勇敢