一天 电影

哪会有那么糟 Look, I'm sure it's not a plete disaster. 伦敦已经把我吞没了 London's swallowed me up. 我还妄想大展身手 到头来还不是默默无闻 I thought I'd make a difference,but no one knows I'm here. 听着 梅花香自苦寒来 Listen, listen. Nothing truly good was ever easy. 谁说的 Who said that? 你 You did. 我说过吗 真讨厌 抱歉我又跟你抱怨了 Did I? That's annoying. I'm sorry for moaning. 如果我能给你一份礼物 If I could just give you one gift, 给你余生的一份礼物 你知道我要给你什么吗 all right, one gift for the rest of your life, do you know what I'd give you? 自信 Confidence. 这个是什么时候纹的 I've not seen this before. 哪个 这个吗 在泰国纹的 太极图 What, that? I got that in Thailand. It's a yin-yang. 看着跟路标似的 Looks like a road sign. 是吗 它表示"矛盾的完美统一" Yeah, well, it means "The perfect union of opposites." 我看是表示"穿上袜子" It means "Wear some socks. 你也可以当模特 产品目录上那种 You could be a model. For a catalog or something. 我想说 从人体自然科学角度来看 我们对彼此可不是一无所知 I'm just saying that we're not entirely unknown to each other from a physical point of view. 拉倒吧 迪特 Drop it, Dex. 你知道吗 毕业那天晚上 来嘛 回忆一下 Well, you know, that night after graduation. Come on, you must remember. 不 全当是意外 忘了吧 No. Blanked it out like a car crash. 我没忘 Well, I haven't. 说真的 只要我闭上眼睛 就仿佛还能看到你站在那里 沐浴着黎明的曙光 In fact, if I close my eyes,I can still see you there just standing in the dawn light. 别说了 Please don't. 一边走过来 一边脱工作服 Provocatively unclasping your dungarees as you walk over to me. 我没穿工作服 I was not wearing dungarees. 想起来了 是吗 So you do remember, huh? 拜托 艾玛 顺其自然 别想太多 活在当下 Oh, e on, Em. Be spontaneous. Be reckless. Live for the moment! 时机早就过去了 I think our moment's passed. 我迟些再看吧 Perhaps I'll watch it later. 现场秀节目总会有意外 The live show is always a bit patchy. 你为什么一定要用那种语调说话 算了 这些和我也没什么关系 I don't understand why you have to use that voice,but then I suppose I just don't care for this sort of thing. 那样能吸引青少年 他们从酒吧回家后会看 It's just a bit of fun for kids. They just watch it after the pub. 你的意思是我喝的太少了 You mean I'm not drunk enough? 没 没这意思 No, it's not that. 说实在的 姑娘们在笼子里跳舞 有什么好看的 You know, honestly, Dexter. Dancing girls in cages. Is this what it's e to? 我只是主持而已 不过是达到目的的手段 I just host it. It's a means to an end, that's all. 达到什么目的? 我们总是告诉你想做什么就去做 But to what end? We always said you could do anything you wanted. 好吧 你们想让我做什么 Fine. What do you want me to do? -做点好事 -这就不错 我只是在做应该做的事 我就能做这些了 -Something good. -It is good. I just do what I'm told. Look, this is what I can do. 抱歉 吃药让我容易发脾气 我需要躺下休息一下 晚上就好了 I'm sorry. The medication makes me ratty. I just need a little lie-down. I'll be better tonight. 是啊 其实 我今晚要出席个首映式 Yeah, you know, um...Actually, I've got this premiere thingy tonight. 真对不起 我不能错过 是《侏罗纪公园》的首映 Look, I'm sorry. I can't miss it. It's Jurassic Park. 儿子 帮我一下 I'm afraid I'm going to need some help. 你还好吗 搂着我脖子 Are you all right? Here, put your arm around me. 好的 没事吗 All right. All right? 真的没事吗 Are you all right? 没事 Yes. 用不用给你拿点什么 水还是酒 Can I get you anything? Water? Dry martini? 几点了 What time is it? 六点一刻 Quarter past 6:00. 我打了个盹 Yeah, I must have dozed off. 你就在家待这么一会儿 你爸有点生你的气 I'm afraid you've missed our day. Your father's a little angry with you. 那我今晚不走了 Look, I'll stay tonight. 不 走吧 No. You go. 你们爷俩吵架 没什么好看的 No pleasure for me watching you and your father snarling at each other. 我能直说吗 Can I speak frankly? 一定要吗 Do you have to? 我有这个特权 I think it's my prerogative. 我知道你想成为一个好男人 I know that you're going to be a fine man. 体面 有爱心 有修养 Decent, loving, acplished. 不过我觉得你还差一点 But I don't think you're there yet. 现在呢 我担心 你再也变不好了 And right now, well, I worry that you're not very nice anymore. 我无话可说 Well, there's nothing I can say to that. 什么也不用说 There is nothing you have to. 我不想和你吵 I'm not going to argue with you. 清醒以后把你的车开走 You can e and collect your car when you're sober. 你开玩笑吧 我是说 你不能没收我的车钥匙 You're being ridiculous. I mean, you cannot confiscate my car key. 你竟敢侮辱我的智商 Do not dare to insult my intelligence! 你妈那么爱你 你明明知道 Now your mother loves you very much. You know that. 说不定什么时候她就... But for whatever time she has left to her... 如果今后还是这副样子来看你妈 If you ever, ever e to see your mother in this state again, 我连大门都不会让你进 I will not let you in the house. 直接把门摔在你的脸上 现在 走 I will close the door in your face. Now...Go. 你不在家啊 刚想起来 你今晚有个约会 You're not there. I just remembered you're on a hot date tonight. 我打的太晚了 收到留言后给我回电好吗 I'm too late. Okay, can you call me when you get this? 我想找个人说说话 不是找个人 就想和你说 It's just I need to speak to someone. Not someone. You. 艾玛 你听到的时候 能不能找个出租车 我来付车费 Em, when you hear this, can you just get in a cab? And I'll pay. 你也可以留下来过夜 睡沙发上之类的 Maybe you could even stay over, you know, on the sofa or something? 我只是要见见你 求你了 能不能过来一趟 I need to just see you. Please, can you just e over? 我是车祸节目国王 I'm the king of car crash television. 但是你还是国王啊 很不错啊 But you're the king of it. That's good. 照片下标注着 "令人厌恶" Caption under photo, "odious." 你为什么不能来 Why can't you e again? 因为我要工作 Because I'm working. 我可以派车去接你 I'll send a car to e and pick you up. 迪特 我去不了 Dex, I can't. 我知道 对不起 I know, and I'm sorry. 只是有你在的时候 我才很安心 I'm just so much better when you're around. 我只是担心 站在摄影机面前我会想 Look, I'm just worried I'm gonna be stood in front of the camera thinking, "这他妈有什么意义" 烂节目 我真是个大骗子 艾玛 "what's the bloody point?" The show's ridiculous. I'm such a fraud, Em. 别这样 行了 你知道自己在做什么 没事 Hey, e on. That's enough. You know what you're doing. You'll be fine. 好吧 Right. 只要你别用那种奇怪的腔调说话 好吗 Just don't speak in that weird voice, okay? -好吧 -好了 再见 -Okay. -All right. Bye. 我只是个普通人 I'm only flesh and blood. 你没事吧 她能跟我们一起吗 Are you all right? Maybe she could join us? 怎么了 我是来见你的 记得吗 Hey, hey, hey, what's this? I'm here to see you, remember? 好吧 你的书教的怎么样 Right, well, how's the teaching? -怎么了 -要是不感兴趣就别问了 -What? -If you're not interested, don't ask. 我感兴趣啊 I am interested. 我只是以为 你要写本小说 I just thought you were going to be writing this novel, that's all. 我会的 但是我首先要生存 And I will. But I have to earn a living. 准确的说 我很享受 我是个很好的老师 迪特 More to the point, I enjoy it. I'm a bloody good teacher, Dexter. 我相信 I'm sure you are. 你知道他们怎么说吗 Still, you know what they say? 不知道 怎么说 No, what do they say? 那个 "能者... You know, "those who can..." 不 抱歉 我没听过 说完吧 No, I'm sorry. I'm not familiar. Finish the sentence. 好吧 "能者成事 不能则成师" All right. Well, "those who can, do, And those who can't, teach." 成师的人说 "去 *** " And those who can teach say, "go *** yourself!" 艾玛 别这样 不管我做了什么 对不起 Em! Em, e on. Look, whatever I've done, I'm sorry. 很明显你喝多了 You've obviously had a bit too much to drink. 不 你才喝多了 你喝多了 No, you're drunk! You're drunk! 你没意识到 我已经三年没见你清醒过了吗 Do you realize that I have literally not seen you sober for three years? 每十分钟就去一次厕所 你要么是在吸可卡因 要么就是在拉痢疾 Nipping off to the toilet every 10 minutes. Either you're on coke, or you've got dysentery. 无论是什么 都很烦 Either way, it's boring! 总是说你自己如何如何 Banging on about yourself all the time. 好吧 我不介意 迪特 Well, I wouldn't mind, Dex, 但是你是电视主持人 好吗 but you're a TV presenter, all right? 你没有发明盘尼西林 You've not invented penicillin. 你所做的不过是站着大喊 开始欢呼吧 All you do is stand around shouting, "make some noise!" 我很快活 不就行了 Look, I am having fun, that's all. 最近我经历了很多 I've been through a lot recently. 我可能有些忘乎所以了 但是要是你一直试着去理解我 I might get a bit carried away, but if you wouldn't stop getting at me... 我没有吗 我不是故意的 我... Am I? I don't mean to, and I... 我知道你最近经历了一些事 *** 事 我都知道 I know that you've been through a lot with your mum and all, I know. 但是 我也有事情想要跟你说 But, there are things that I needed to talk to you about. 比如我现在和一个我不爱的男人窝在这个破公寓 About how I am stuck in this flat with a man that I am not in love with. 要是我不能跟你说 那你有什么意义 我们有什么意义 And if I can't talk to you, then what is the point of you? Of us? 有什么意义是什么意思 What do you mean, "what's the point?" 我觉得我们已经不再相互适应了 I think we've outgrown each other. 不 是你不再适应我了 No, you have outgrown me. 你觉得我又土又闷 You think I'm uncool and dreary. 你一点也不闷 艾玛 I don't think you're dreary. Em... 要是没缘分了 我们就要面对现实 然后道别了 I think if it's over, then we should just face facts and say goodbye. 说得好像你要甩了我似的 It sounds like you're dumping me. 是啊 也许我就是 Yeah, maybe I am. 你不再是以前的你了 You're not who you used to be. 别这样 艾玛 我道歉行了吧 求你了 Come on, Em. Look, I apologize! Please. 对吧 就是嘛 来吧 Come on. That's it. There. 我爱你 迪特 很爱 只是我不能那样喜欢你了 对不起 I love you, Dexter. So much. I just don't like you anymore. I'm sorry. 老天哪 我都32了 It's just I'm 32, for God's sake. 什么 他们要解雇我 What, they're sacking me? 你看吧 解雇的意义太消极了 You see, sack has negative connotations. 他们不过是想启用新的主持人 It's just they wanna try a new presenter. 所以他们还是在解雇我 So they are sacking me? 不 他们想把节目重新定位 Well, no, they're taking the show in a different direction, 但是这个定位跟你有所差距 but it's a direction away from you. 你现在的状态要差一些了 Okay, so less you now. 好吧 Okay. 二十几岁的时候要好些 More you in your 20s. 好吧 好吧 Right. Right. 那么好消息是什么 So, what's the good news? 什么 Sorry? 你说有坏消息 那么好消息呢 Well, you said you had some bad news. What's the good news? 所有的事业都有起有落 这不过是个低谷而已 Every career has its ups and downs. This is just a bloody great down. 你能明白 迪特 And I sense a bit of disenchantment, Dexy. 我只是有些担心未来 这跟我所期望的不太一样 Just a little concerned about my future. It's not quite what I was expecting. 未来总是如此 所以才 *** 呢 The future never is. That's what makes it so bloody exciting! 大家都爱你 对吧 Everyone loves you, yeah? 不过他们爱那个爱挖苦人 让人又爱又恨的你 But they love you in that ironic, love-to-hate kind of way. 对吧 现在你呢 去找个真正爱你的人 Right? And all that we need to do is just find someone that loves you for real. 我上台 说道 "这是一个有趣的故事 保证你们喜欢" I e on, and I say, "Here's a funny story. You'll like this." -伊恩 -"有一个家伙 他与这个女孩约会 他很崇拜她 -Ian. -"There's this guy, and he's going out with this girl, and he worships her, 然后他们一起买了这座公寓 接着他送了她一枚订婚钻戒 买了一切 and they buy this flat together. And then he gets her an engagement ring, the lot. 结果 女孩仍然爱着她最好的朋友" It turns out that she is still in love with her best friend." 很有趣的推测 但我已经很久都没见过迪特了 Interesting theory, Ian, except I've not seen Dexter for ages. -没见过吗 -那不是原因 -No? -That is not the reason. 你知道他是怎么发现的吗 他读了她的诗 Do you know how he found out about it? He read it in her poetry. 你这个 *** You bastard! -把它还给我 -"我们的毕业之夜" -Give it back to me! -"Our graduation night! "在同一张床上的强烈欲望" "在法国不可思议的一周" "The erotic intensity of the shared bed." "That magic week in France." 都写在这首无韵诗里了 It's all here in blank verse. 如果你再敢来这里 我就叫警察 If you ever, ever, e in here again I will call the police! 叫他妈个屁警察 这也是我的公寓 Call the bloody police! It's my flat, too! 是吗 我付的按揭款 Is it? I paid the mortgage! 你只是坐在这里放屁 看他妈的《可汗的愤怒》 You just sat around farting and watching the bloody Wrath of Khan! 我们没结婚真是明智之举 It's a good job we didn't get married. 很抱歉偷窥了你所有的东西 我最近有些烦躁 I'm sorry about going through all your stuff. I've just been a bit mad recently, that's all. 没关系 It's all right. 我想你 I miss you. 我知道 I know you do. 就是这里 或者说着了魔 我不能确定 Like, right here. Either that, or it's trapped wind. I'm not sure. 不管怎样 它会没事的 Either way, it'll pass. 顺便说一句 它很好 It's good, by the way. 不是指诗集 诗集太糟了 但是其余的那些故事 Not the poems. The poems are awful, but the rest of the stuff, the stories. 你很风趣 相当风趣 You're funny. Proper funny. -不像我 -伊恩 -Not like me. -Ian. 不 我只是说你应该将它们公布于众 你比所了解的自己要更棒 No, I'm just saying that you should show them to someone, because you're better than you know. 一次狂欢不会让你在夜里感到温暖 艾玛 Well, an y won't keep you warm at night, Emma. 狂欢不会陪你到老 An y won't look after you when you're old. 说得好 Well said. 不管怎样 我自毁前途 搞砸了和妈妈的关系 Anyway, I screwed up my career. And screwed up things with Mum. 那不是真的 That's not true. 我还搞砸了我的友谊 然后熙薇出现了 And I screwed up my friendships. And then Sylvie just came along. 她好像是来拯救我的 真的 她非常漂亮 And she sort of, well, saved me, really. She's very beautiful. 当然了 她完全没有幽默感 Of course, she has absolutely no sense of humor.
我们这一天中的经典台词 导语:《我们这一天》是由丹·福格尔曼编剧,约翰·里夸和格伦·费卡拉执导,曼迪·摩尔,米洛·文提米利亚,贾斯汀·哈特雷,斯特尔林·K布朗,克里斯·沙利文,艾伦·锡克领衔主演的美国喜剧。以下是我整理的资料,欢迎阅读参考。 1、我想也许有一天,你会变成像我这样的老人,并向一位年轻人娓娓道来:你是如何将生活带给你柠檬般的酸楚,酿成犹如柠檬汽水般的甘甜。 2、我可以没有披萨和饼干,没有薯片和那些飞机上供应的巧克力蛋糕之类的东西,但我的生命中唯独不能没有的是你。 3、无论你是个被抛弃在消防站的`弃婴,还是一个一百多公斤的胖姑娘,这就是你。但你的人生,是你自己可以 4、当你看到一件想要的东西,你不会转开头。你要走上前去,得到它。 5、Rebecca:Jack,随着每一天过去,我对你的爱都更深了一些。在你身上,我找到了我的灵魂伴侣、我最好的朋友、我的爱人、我的好搭档、我的安全港湾。你就是我伟大的爱情故事,而我们的故事,才刚刚开始。 6、我要感谢我的家人。感恩我们一家平安。还有无论冷暖我都只愿意和你们在一起。 7、别再装得那么冷漠,把握生活中的美好瞬间,趁着你还年轻利落,把握机会。因为在不经意间,你就老了,变得步履蹒跚。那时候再想重来也没机会了。 8、生活的琐碎构筑成生活本身。 9、she"s my wife,she was my life. 她是我妻子,她是我的一切。 10、我把自己的梦想吃了个精光。 ;
与其说电影《遇见你之前》是一部爱情片,不如说这是一部对“生命”、“人生选择”理解的哲理片,只是在爱情的包裹下进行阐述,爱情很美很伤感,同时也折射出人性善恶,具有一定现实意义。 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/17lAJfYWrHjt2v9bx70tfFg ?pwd=79br 提取码: 79br 作为一部爱情片,其剧情走向略带玛丽苏风情,有高富帅男主,有傻白甜坚强女主,两人同样从互不对付,到之后的心心相惜,看似并无吸睛之处,但其实在人物设定中却巧下心思。本应完美的男主被刻画为瘫痪个体,由最初的骄傲变为之后的一心求死,也只有不完美男主才会与平凡女主有所交集,这样设定显然更加合理。编剧不仅为男主设定了不完美人设,而且他还一心求安乐死,并且还被编排了悲剧结局,在爱情片中也算得上悲戚了,从而更惹人注目。悲剧往往更容易引人深思共鸣,这点还是值得肯定的,相比两人相恋过程,大家更期待结局是否圆满,而《遇见你之前》无疑是让人留有遗憾的,同时也透漏出一些人生哲理。 电影《遇见你之前》以悲剧收尾,以女主勇敢追求梦想为结局,此时露的身上有着威尔的影子,虽然两人无法续写爱情故事,但露会带着这一份爱,积极面对生活,带着威尔的信念展望更宽广的世界,其实这样的结局也更合理更有感染力。