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New Year’s resolution 例句: 1、然而,如果变得更加快乐是你的新年愿望,这个方法不妨一试。 But possibly worth a try if being happier is your New Year’s resolution. 2、很多人开始完成新年愿望的的时候都充满热情、精力充沛,以保证自己的决定能够实现。 Most people start the New Year with lot of enthusiasm and energy to ensure their resolution will be a success. 3、希望更多地学会,如何在事情中看出必须以及,美好,这样我就可以成为,那些将事物变美的人之一。 I want to learn more about how to see the must and the good in things so that I can be one of those people who make things beautiful.



New Year's Resolution. 1、Resolution的读音:英 [ˌrezəˈluːʃn],美 [ˌrezəˈluːʃn]。 2、释义:n.决议;正式决定;(问题、分歧等的)解决,消除;坚定;坚决;有决心。 3、例句 Council members spent the day quibbling over the final wording of the resolution 委员会成员一整天都在为决议的最终措词争论不休。 Ensure that the General Assembly adopt a resolution not less strong than those passed at the previous sessions. 争取联大通过的决议基调不低于去年。 The resolution that was passed was a wish list that nobody could deliver. 通过的决议不过是张空头支票而已。 They agreed on a draft resolution. 他们商定一项决议草案。 In other words, the country would abstain from a resolution favouring a cease-fire in place. 换言之,对于一项赞同就地停火的协议,哪个国家将投弃权票。


New Year wishes 1、你新年最大的愿望是什么? What is your biggest wish for New Year? 2、我们即将迎来新的一年,我们的新年就代表新的愿望! We will welcome the New Year, our New Year's is representative of the new wishes! 3、我亲爱的朋友们,祝你们新年快乐!所有的美好的愿望统统送给你们! Happy New Year, My Dear Friends, all the best wishes to your guys! 4、新年临近,让我们一起许下美好的愿望吧! New year is coming, shall we make a wish? 5、春节不仅仅意味着新年的开始,也承载着人们对新年的祝愿。我们希望新的一年愿望会实现,生活变得更好。 The Spring Festival is not only means the beginning of the brand-new year, but also carrying the best wish of the people 's. We are hoping in the New Year our wish will come true, our life will become better.


The new year is coming, this year I hope more happy all the people who care about me, I wish my parents healthy,my academic career to strive for further improvement, happy every day in the new year happy forever.
新的一年来到,我的愿望是在新的一年里要独立完成作业,要认真刻苦地练好毛笔字,要学会跳花跳和单踢花踢键子 我最想学的本领是画画(此处也可以填写别的想学的特长),因为我画画不好,我会努力的!
A year to the new, my desire is to work independently in the new year, to hard to practice good calligraphy, learn tojump the jump and kick kick the shuttlecock single flowers I most want to learn is the ability to draw, because I drawis not good, I will try my best!


Wishes for the New Year新年心愿 The New Year is coming and I have good wishes for the coming year.Firstly, I hope my families will be happy and in good health. I want my father has more free time to company my mother and I. I don’t want him work so hard all the time.Secondly, I wish myself can have a good year and do well in my study.Study is my priority now and I hope I can work hard and make progress.Finally, I want a new computer for my study and enjoyment.As I learn more in school, a computer is necessary.When I am free, I want to play computer games or search the Internet.I think my father would buy it for me.What are your wishes for next year? 新年就要到了,我对来年有着美好的愿望。首先,我希望家人健康快乐,希望爸爸能有更多的时间陪我和妈妈,不要总是工作。其次,我希望自己来年顺利,成绩优异。学习是我现在最总要的事,我希望自己能努力学习,有所进步。最后,我想要一台新电脑,用于学习和娱乐。在学校学的东西越来越多,电脑是很有必要的。我空闲的时候,我想玩玩游戏或者上上网。我的爸爸应该会买给我。你来年的愿望又是什么呢?


My New Years Resolution My new years resolution is very very brife.only three piece of advice .one ; get good grade ,at next. now,hard study ..as for ,goodgoodstudy,,day day up ,,my math isnot good,,so i can practise everyday ,then i am eating more vegetables and going to exercise more to keep fit next , i am going to take guitar lessons .because i really love music .so guitar .i love too ,,these are my new years resolution s i hope itis,, reality ,but,,realityneed my hard ,i think i can successful.


Wishes for the New Year
The New Year is coming and I have good wishes for the coming year.Firstly, I hope my families will be happy and in good health. I want my father has more free time to company my mother and I. I don’t want him work so hard all the time.Secondly, I wish myself can have a good year and do well in my study.Study is my priority now and I hope I can work hard and make progress.Finally, I want a new computer for my study and enjoyment.As I learn more in school, a computer is necessary.When I am free, I want to play computer games or search the Internet.I think my father would buy it for me.What are your wishes for next year?

8,我的新年愿望是越长越漂亮 用英语怎么翻译

我的新年愿望是越长越漂亮 My New Year's wish is to be more and more beautiful。 这是很直白的一种翻译: 新年就是New Year, 愿望就是wish, 越来越就是more and more。 同样也可以这样:More and more beautiful is my New Year's wish。 这样倒装一下意思是一样的。 同样还有:My New Year's wish is to become more and more beautiful。 这里只需要抓住几个关键词,就可以很好的完成这个句子。 “新年的”“愿望”“越来越”“漂亮” 也祝你新的一年越来越漂亮,生活越来越如意。