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1,谁能帮我翻译一下2014年高考英语江西卷阅读理解d篇 这是文章http://bnjxw



Larry’s first expedition without his father was in the Cayman Islands.There were numerous diving spots in the area and Larry was determined to visit all of them .Fortunately for him,a man offered to take him around the different spots for free. Larry didn’t even know what the time was how many spots he dived into or how many photographs he had taken.The diving spots afforded such a wide array of fish and sea creatures that Larry saw more than thirty varieties of creatures.
Larry looked at his daughter.She looked as excited as he had been when he was her age.He hoped she would be able to continue the family tradition.Already,she looked like she was much braver than had been then.This was the key to a successful underwater expedition.

谁能帮我翻译一下2014年高考英语江西卷阅读理解d篇 这是文章http://bnjxw

2,请问江西高考 英语听力计入总分吗?




3,2013江西高考英语听力计入总分 ?



Why should mankind explore space? 人类为何要探索太空呢?Why should money, time and effort be spent exploring and researching something with so few apparent benefits? 为什么时间、金钱、和精力会被花在探索一些没有显著的好处的事情上呢?Why should resources be spent on space rather than on conditions and people on Earth? These are questions that, understandably, are very often asked.为何资源会被花在太空而不是地球山的人与环境上呢?,这些不可理喻的为题常常被人问及。
Perhaps the best answer lies in our genetic makeup(基因构成)as human beings.也许最好的答案隐藏在我们骨子里。What drove our ancestors to move from the trees into the plains, and on into all possible areas and environments? 是什么驱使我们的先主从树上移动到地上,到所有可能的地域与环境的呢?The wider the spread of a species, the better its chance of survival.越是广泛分布的种族,越有机会幸存下来。Perhaps the best reason for exploring space is this genetic tendency to expand wherever possible.或许人们探索宇宙最好的理由就是基因里驱使着向任何可能的地方扩展。
Nearly every successful civilization has explored, because by doing so, any dangers in surrounding areas can be identified (鉴定、辨别)and prepared for.几乎每一个文化中都会因探寻和鉴定周边环境中的任何威并为之做准备而成功。Without knowledge, we may be completely destroyed by the danger.With knowledge, we can lessen its effects.没有知识,我们可能会被危险所毁灭。有了知识,我们才能减小灾难的作用。
Exploration also allows minerals and other potential (潜在的)resources to be found.探索会让我们发现矿产和其他潜在资源。Even if we have no immediate (立刻adj.)need of them, they will perhaps be useful later.就算我们不是急着要用到那些,可能以后也会用得上。Resources may be more than physical possessions.资源不仅仅是指矿物。Knowledge or techniques have been acquired through exploration.知识和技术通过探索而取得。The techniques may have medical applications which can improve the length or quality of our lives. 这些科技可能会有医学价值而有助于提高人们的寿命和健康质量。We have already benefited from other improvements in earthquake prediction, in satellites for weather forecasting and in communications systems.我们已经从其他地震预测、卫星天测气预测以及循环系统的改进中受益 Even non-stick pans and mirrored sunglasses are by-products (副产品)of technological developments in the space industry!甚至是不粘锅和反光太阳镜也宇宙工业科技发展的是副产品。
While many resources are spent on what seems a small return, the exploration of space allows creative, brave and intelligent members of our species to focus on what may serve to save us.虽然许多的资源看起来是花在了回报很小的事情上,太空探索中所需要的我们种族中创造性、勇敢、智慧的成员会集中注意力在拯救我们上。While space may hold many wonders and explanations of how the universe was formed or how it works, it also holds dangers.虽然宇宙中有许多奇迹和解释了宇宙是如何形成和演变的,但宇宙也存在着危险。The danger exists, but knowledge can help human being to survive.虽然有危险的存在,但知识能帮助人类生存。Without the ability to reach out across space, the chance to save ourselves might not exist.没有能力达到宇宙空间,就没有拯救自己的机会。
While Earth is the only planet known to support life, surely the adaptive ability of humans would allow us to live on other planets.虽然地球是唯一已知有生命存在的行星,无疑的人类适应能力会允许我们在其他行星上生存。It is true that the lifestyle would be different, but human life and cultures have adapted in the past and surely could in the future.毋庸置疑的,那里的生活方式将会不同从前,但人类适应了过去的生活和文化也能适应未来。


2009:Turning a bad mood into a good one 2010:英语中“please.” “In you”“sorry”等礼貌用语具有增进友谊,改善关系、化解矛盾神奇的力量,因而被称为“ Magin Power”。请 “Magin Power of Polite Words”为题写一篇100词左右的英语作文 2011:假设你是星光中学的李华,将参加主题为"Let's Ride Bicycles"的英语演讲比赛。请撰写一份演讲稿,主要内容包括: 1.目前汽车带来的空气污染和交通堵塞等问题; 2.骑自行车的益处,如节能环保、有利健康等。 2012:某英语报社举办以“I like Reading”为主题的征文活动你打算投稿请根据以下要点写一篇短文 1.你为什么喜欢读书 2.你喜欢读哪一灯的书例如历史、科学、文学等请给出至少两个理由。 2013:星光中学(Xingguang High School)近期举行了一次登山活动。假定你是学校英语报记者,请写一篇短文,报道此次活动。内容包括:  1. 时间与地点:4月10日,大青山(Daqing Mountain);  2. 活动的过程;  3. 你对于这次活动的评论


我也是江西的。每年题型都差不多 不会有太大变动 况且又是高中的口试 不难 考来考去 题型也就那么几种 考前做好些准备就OK了

1,看图说话 老师会根据图片提问 或者让你先描述图片内容

2.读文章 让你读一篇文章 然后提问 题目答案可能在文章中 也可能是与文章相关的开放类题目 就是让你自己答题 这个在保送考试面试 或者托福雅思很常见

3.可能会让你简单先自我介绍 两三句话而已 或者随便提个问题 这个可能有 就类似与寒暄 看情况了

考试心得:我考上外保送时也有面试 也专门去新东方补了口语课 其实关键不在于你说的答案多精彩 或者单词多高级 语法多精湛 口语嘛 哪怕语法错误都没关系 最重要的是流利 最好不要口头语嗯嗯啊啊太多 用well代替 还有一个很重要就是看你反应能力 当一个话题抛个你的时候 你要迅速作答 别一声不吭的闷在那里 要边说边说边想 等太久会减你的印象分 还有最后一点 多说总比不说好 这是我老师教我要牢记的 如果题目真的不会 你就是叽里呱啦乱答一通 也比一句话不说好 不过放心了 高中英语口试好容易的 我们学校初中开始每次期中期末都有口试 好简单的 听听voa 练练口语发音 问题不大

如有帮助 望采纳 ~~~~~~~~~~好好加油高考哈~~~


嗯 顺便说一下 几天前帮我指导的ABC夭下英语中心的老师才和我提过 就是想征服英语是很容易的~必须要拥有一个恰当的研习环境以及进修口语对象,老师水平是关键,纯正欧美口音非常重要 坚持天天练习口语,一对一家教式教学才能有最.好.的学习成果~完成课堂后仍要重听课堂音频,好巩固知识点。如果真的无口语交谈的人的情况,只能上可可或沪江获得课外学习资料研习,多说多问很快的口语能力会提高起来,学习效益肯定会最佳的~我只知道今年的形式,先随机给你一篇简单的小文章,你有一点时间把它都熟,然后你进场朗读,then老师会根据文章内容问你几个简单的问题(没听清你就说pardon?),你回答,再然后就是看图说话,说上几句就行了,今年的是一幅人们在机场焦急等灰机的图



During spraying by compressing air, keep nozzle and substrate in an agle of 90°, an distance of 20~750px, and an even velocity of 30~1500px/s. In the case that paintcoat has flaws, please rinse the coating layer to its bonding part, and grind the substrate painting into an uneven condition with sandpaper, then polish the breaking part of coating, in the end, rinse it again in a tweaking ratio as 3.3.2


Business brief
He is a sewing machine set research and development, manufacturing, which integrates marketing services, strict implementation of the ISO quality management system of modern enterprise. Major industrial sewing machines for the production, the production and management in the years to continually improve our product quality and continuously improve their service operations. Focus on the market at home and abroad possession a certain share of domestic and foreign products by its customers.
Sewing machines were Wo "Seiko build the pursuit of excellence" approach to quality, continuously pioneering and innovative. To upgrade the quality of public life as a starting point; To create professional-quality service brand to wait integrity-based market, we will be operating more perfect style and quality products for your dedicated service, sincere and domestic and international clients to establish long-term partnership to create brilliant career.
1. Picture shows the excellent layout symbols Island
2. MH700 high-speed packet machine series
A.MH752-17 three-machine line
A single straight pin, a needle-bending edge packet, packet suture track. Strong Note automatic lubrication, while applicable to pants and other basic operations.
B.MH753 - 16S2 thin edge packet machine
The machine's excellent performance in the 752-17 Slovakia on the basis of specific parts from changes apply to women decorated shirts and handkerchiefs, but in the sewing shirts, belt and materials.
C.MH752-13 four-line machine
D.MH752 - 13H four packets of thick material Machine
This double-straight needles, a needle-bending edge packet, packet suture track. Strong Note automatic lubrication agencies. Knitted coat applied to the industry in general with sewing.
E.MH752-181 four-seam line Rewind machine
The packets can be suture thread ends, it can effectively prevent off-line, particularly applicable to high-grade material knitting, sewing operations underwear.
F.MH732-38-5-thin material Machine
High-speed, low noise, small start torque; Look beautiful, simple operation, stitch stability aesthetic ideal and convenient adjustment. Apply to pants, pajamas, shirts, sportswear and packet looping operations.
G.MH732-48-5-Treat Machine
Apply to children's wear, skirts, ladies, pajamas, clothing covers, curtains topped sewing operations.
H.MH732-70 in five of thick material packets machine
Fitness notes in the thick fabric overalls, shirts female side and shoulder joints adjacent sewing operations.
I.MH732-86-5-thick material machine
Applied to a very thick material cowboy clothes next to the side of the crotch and operations. A very thick plate-pressure fabric feet.
J.MH722-02 * 250-pocket machine
Cloth-bound, to a 2 × 401 joints flexible chain stitch, not loose and performance features. Packet joint operations, cephalometric automatically packet back-cloth, sewing items to more attractive, easy to operate.
K.. MH732-355-6 3-needle machine
Three of six-needle machine called the Universal sewing machines, needles and can simply change the number from the line.
1. Single-needle machine three lines (504,505)
2. Four double-line machine (514)
3. Double five-line machine (516)
4. Three of six-needle machine (543)
Applies to clothing stores, small and medium garment factories, many manufacturers of small batch production, the use of a machine, save your money.
L. MH732-335-1 6 3 needle the edge of packet-packet machine
In three of the six pin on the basis of a modified 1.1-cloth tube of Rafah, the packet seam-side with a one-time complete. Men and women apply to lateral side-slit pants packet-sewing operations.
M.. MH700 - 88R gloves packet machine
High-speed, low noise, stable performance, stitch appearance applied to the fabric Fabric gloves mouth-seam sewing operations.
3. 737 Series high-speed packet machine
737 / 747 / 757 high-speed packet machine
The use of automatic lubricating device functioning smoothly easily. The package will suture thread ends, the back-end of the suture to prevent loose sutures. Apply to knit underwear, sportswear of the sleeve, the side suture operation.
4. 373/377 series of discord
The main machine for the two-hole or slit nail-deduction, discord, folder will be automatically deducted up, and automatic line and automatically sets shear node function.


Why should mankind explore space? 人类为何要探索太空呢?Why should money, time and effort be spent exploring and researching something with so few apparent benefits? 为什么时间、金钱、和精力会被花在探索一些没有显著的好处的事情上呢?Why should resources be spent on space rather than on conditions and people on Earth? These are questions that, understandably, are very often asked.为何资源会被花在太空而不是地球山的人与环境上呢?,这些不可理喻的为题常常被人问及。
Perhaps the best answer lies in our genetic makeup(基因构成)as human beings.也许最好的答案隐藏在我们骨子里。What drove our ancestors to move from the trees into the plains, and on into all possible areas and environments? 是什么驱使我们的先主从树上移动到地上,到所有可能的地域与环境的呢?The wider the spread of a species, the better its chance of survival.越是广泛分布的种族,越有机会幸存下来。Perhaps the best reason for exploring space is this genetic tendency to expand wherever possible.或许人们探索宇宙最好的理由就是基因里驱使着向任何可能的地方扩展。
Nearly every successful civilization has explored, because by doing so, any dangers in surrounding areas can be identified (鉴定、辨别)and prepared for.几乎每一个文化中都会因探寻和鉴定周边环境中的任何威并为之做准备而成功。Without knowledge, we may be completely destroyed by the danger.With knowledge, we can lessen its effects.没有知识,我们可能会被危险所毁灭。有了知识,我们才能减小灾难的作用。
Exploration also allows minerals and other potential (潜在的)resources to be found.探索会让我们发现矿产和其他潜在资源。Even if we have no immediate (立刻adj.)need of them, they will perhaps be useful later.就算我们不是急着要用到那些,可能以后也会用得上。Resources may be more than physical possessions.资源不仅仅是指矿物。Knowledge or techniques have been acquired through exploration.知识和技术通过探索而取得。The techniques may have medical applications which can improve the length or quality of our lives. 这些科技可能会有医学价值而有助于提高人们的寿命和健康质量。We have already benefited from other improvements in earthquake prediction, in satellites for weather forecasting and in communications systems.我们已经从其他地震预测、卫星天测气预测以及循环系统的改进中受益 Even non-stick pans and mirrored sunglasses are by-products (副产品)of technological developments in the space industry!甚至是不粘锅和反光太阳镜也宇宙工业科技发展的是副产品。
While many resources are spent on what seems a small return, the exploration of space allows creative, brave and intelligent members of our species to focus on what may serve to save us.虽然许多的资源看起来是花在了回报很小的事情上,太空探索中所需要的我们种族中创造性、勇敢、智慧的成员会集中注意力在拯救我们上。While space may hold many wonders and explanations of how the universe was formed or how it works, it also holds dangers.虽然宇宙中有许多奇迹和解释了宇宙是如何形成和演变的,但宇宙也存在着危险。The danger exists, but knowledge can help human being to survive.虽然有危险的存在,但知识能帮助人类生存。Without the ability to reach out across space, the chance to save ourselves might not exist.没有能力达到宇宙空间,就没有拯救自己的机会。
While Earth is the only planet known to support life, surely the adaptive ability of humans would allow us to live on other planets.虽然地球是唯一已知有生命存在的行星,无疑的人类适应能力会允许我们在其他行星上生存。It is true that the lifestyle would be different, but human life and cultures have adapted in the past and surely could in the future.毋庸置疑的,那里的生活方式将会不同从前,但人类适应了过去的生活和文化也能适应未来。