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英文版茉莉花 歌手介绍:



★English translation of lyrics:JASMINE FLOWER

What a beautiful jasmine flower
What a beautiful jasmine flower
This beauty in full bloom scents the air
and deserves lots of praise for its sweet and white
Let me pick some flowers
and send to others
Oh, jasmine flowers, jasmine flowers


Good jasmine
good jasmine
full garden flowers and plants
fragrant also fragrant its
I have a mind to pick Dai
You to fear looked flower the human wants to scold me a jasmine
good jasmine
jasmine to open
snow also in vain its
I to have a mind to pick Dai
You to fear other people laugh at good jasmine
good jasmine
Man Yuan the flower to open
compare also compare its
me to have a mind to pick Dai
You to fear the next year will not germinate


Too many versions of the song of "JASMINE FLOWER", I always get confused. If someone can give me corrected, it will be highly appreciated!

So beautiful the jasmine flower,

No other flower can compare with it,

I want to pick just one jasmine flower,

But I fear I will anger the gardener,

I want to pick just one jasmine flower,

But I fear the jasmine flower will not bloom;

So beautiful the jasmine flower,

Fragrant, white and loved by all,

I want to pick just one

And send it to someone else

Jasmine flower!

So beautiful the jasmine flower,

Fragarant, beautiful and full-blown,

I want to pick just one

And send it to someone else

Jasmine flower!


Your Song - Elton John It's a little bit funny this feeling inside 此时此刻内心的感受有点微妙 I'm not one of those who can easily hide 我不是那种能轻易隐藏自己情绪的人 I don't have much money but boy if I did 并非腰缠万贯但假使我有能力 I'd buy a big house where we both could live 我会买座大大的房子与你生活在一起 If I was a sculptor but then again no 如果我是个雕塑家就好了 只可惜我不是 Or a man who makes potions 或者是位在巡回演出里 in a travelling show 表演的魔术师也行 I know it's not much 我知道这还远远不够 but it's the best I can do 但我也只能做到如此了 My gift is my song and this one's for you 能送出的礼物仅仅是我的歌而这首歌只为你而作 And you can tell everybody this is your song 大声向全世界宣布这是独属于你的歌吧 It may be quite simple but now that it's done 也许词调朴素但还是希望你喜欢 I hope you don't mind 希望你不会介意 I hope you don't mind that I put down in words 希望你不会介意我把情感都付诸文字 How wonderful life is while you're in the world 只要有你在这个世界就无比美妙 I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss 我坐在屋顶拭开一处处青苔 Well a few of the verses well 你可知道 有几句歌词 they've got me quite cross 可把我脑汁绞尽了 But the sun's been quite kind 但还好天公作美 while I wrote this song 写这首歌时天空明媚 It's for people like you that keep it turned on 我想恰是因为你的存在太阳才如此闪耀 So excuse me forgetting but these things I do 原谅我的善忘吧 You see I've forgotten 你看我都记不清 if they're green or they're blue 你的眼睛究竟是绿还是蓝了 Anyway the thing is what I really mean 不管怎样我所做的一切都是百分百真心 Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen 你那洋溢着甜美的双眸是我这辈子见过最美的风景 And you can tell everybody this is your song 大声向全世界宣布这是独属于你的歌吧 It may be quite simple but now that it's done 也许词调朴素但还是希望你喜欢 I hope you don't mind 希望你不会介意 I hope you don't mind that I put down in words 希望你不会介意我把情感都付诸文字 How wonderful life is while you're in the world 只要有你在这个世界就无比美妙 I hope you don't mind 希望你不会介意 I hope you don't mind that I put down in words 希望你不会介意我把情感都付诸文字 How wonderful life is while you're in the world 只要有你在这个世界就无比美妙


歌词: 好一朵茉莉花,好一朵茉莉花, 满园花草香也香不过它, 我有心采一朵戴, 看花的人儿要将我骂。 好一朵茉莉花,好一朵茉莉花, 茉莉花开雪也白不过它, 我有心采一朵戴, 又怕旁人笑。 好一朵茉莉花,好一朵茉莉花, 满园花开比也比不过它, 我有心采一朵戴, 又怕来年不发芽。 扩展资料: 创作背景 1、灵感来源 茉莉花这种植物在汉代就已传入中国,最早种植于广东一带(南越、南海),到宋代开始广泛种植于福建并传入江浙等地;在传播过程中逐渐中国化,并因其香气而受喜爱,由于其芳香独特,迎合了中国文化对“香”的崇尚,逐渐成为人们歌颂的对象。 2、作词编曲经过 能见到的最早与现代版本相似的《茉莉花》歌词收编在明朝万历年间(1573-1620)冯梦龙的《挂枝儿》中;《茉莉花》歌词的前身最早刊载于清朝乾隆年间(1764-1774)的戏曲剧本集《缀白裘》,在《缀白裘》中收录的《花鼓曲》共有12段唱词,叙述的是《西厢记》中“张生戏莺莺”的故事,前两段唱词以重叠句称为《鲜花调》,也有从其为基础发展的称为《茉莉花》。 最早关于《茉莉花》的曲谱(《鲜花调》工尺谱)收录在道光年间(1821年,一说1837年)的《小慧集》中;这种曲调是在明代已流行的《鲜花调》基础上发展起来的,在各地方言语调、风土人情等多种因素的影响下,衍生出各种风格的“同宗民歌”,流传于各省的不同版本曲调各异,但歌词基本上以反映青年男女纯真爱情为主题。 参考资料来源:百度百科-茉莉花


[00:01.55]茉莉花 Jasmine
[00:07.97]By: Sofia Kallgren 索菲亚.格林
[00:13.65]整理:秋水长天 QQ:957284658
[00:50.12]让我来 把你摘下 送给别人家
[00:59.78]茉莉花呀 茉莉花 嘿......
[01:36.07]outing in the garden.
[01:41.47]outing where were the flower scrawl
[01:47.04]even me found love from the blossom
[01:52.23]there's just one that i adore
[01:57.71]would i try to take you with me .
[02:02.96]would i try to bring you home.
[02:08.38]my sweet Jasmine.
[02:16.50]feel how lovely my flower smells
[02:21.90]see how beautiful she looks
[02:27.42]white as snow in the winter.
[02:32.72]pure and she is just glorier.
[02:38.20]oh i am so afraid to pick you
[02:43.81]if the gardener will come my way .
[02:48.84]oh my sweet jasmine
[03:24.13]how can i leave the garden
[03:29.20]how can i leave you here
[03:34.89]in my dreams i smell how the flowers
[03:40.09]others just one that i really mean.
[03:45.42]could i just take one of you with me
[03:50.64]i would treat like a queen .
[03:56.35]oh my sweet jasmine
[04:01.95]would i try to take you with me
[04:06.99]would i try to bring you home
[04:12.57]oh my sweet jasmine


jasmine flower
英[ˈdʒæzmɪn ˈflauə] 美[ˈdʒæzmɪn ˈflaʊɚ]
[词典] 茉莉花;
[例句]Activity of alcohol dehydrogenase and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase varied during the blooming of jasmine flower.


Too many versions of the song of "JASMINE FLOWER", I always get confused. If someone can give me corrected, it will be highly appreciated!

So beautiful the jasmine flower,

No other flower can compare with it,

I want to pick just one jasmine flower,

But I fear I will anger the gardener,

I want to pick just one jasmine flower,

But I fear the jasmine flower will not bloom;

So beautiful the jasmine flower,

Fragrant, white and loved by all,

I want to pick just one

And send it to someone else

Jasmine flower!

So beautiful the jasmine flower,

Fragarant, beautiful and full-blown,

I want to pick just one

And send it to someone else

Jasmine flower!

低吟、莫相离︶ㄣ 2008-11-12