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party like we do,Party Like We Do 歌词


1,Party Like We Do 歌词

歌曲名:Party Like We Do 歌手:陈冠希 专辑:Hazy:The 144 Hour Project Party Like We Do(Featuring Mc Yan Chef) 作词:Edison/Mc仁/Chef  作曲:Dj Hasebe 感觉好爽 因为今晚我队crew get a party going on 拿 我队crew就系我既人 拿 我既人就唔只系想要fun 如果你系呢种人请你企起身 因为我地个party XXX乜野function 冇人摆哂款 d人跳哂舞 wingwing地 放松哂 o系度饮多杯 冇人o系度搞屎棍 d女性非常之 漂亮 我地clot clue越黎越越越强 饮哂啦 冇问题 开几支香槟俾你洗好吗 跟住DJ how we baby d beat un下un下 睇下表 aiya 乜已经四点喇 快d搵呀poon 跟住xxxxx 准备好未呀 o拿o拿o拿o拿o拿o拿o拿o拿o拿临走喇 不过我地个party未完架 约定 睇下个地点吗 cheer 系你喇 你会'目及'住我地闪吗 放低手上一切执埋D手尾就去 难得冇俾狗追 行得快过四驱 唔好咁戇居 呢个派对唔使排队 有d乜野忍住转头同你有排吹 呢树有山有水有免费抽水有女 最好 俾我有一个岛 咁多位大佬 日日冇事做 净系挂住 party like we do 每个人都拥有生於自己节奏 冇理由一定要跟住人步伐走 怕被呢个贱人呃 一定要等到蒲头 有人会锺意慢慢un揸住支红酒 可惜差人唔会同你讲呢种理由 我知d人唔会分音乐会有不同 头xxxxxx 人又唔方慌好人 见到个黑人头一定阔袍大袖 个个脚步浮浮 晚晚处处蒲头 蒲完游完浮完坐完哥伦比亚太空船 打多个白蛤转 多几个黑眼圈 天光未玩完 搵多几个窿捐 晴天阴天雨天落雨天 最怕去错地方 唔好玩又俾人串 你个人唔啱tune 算走先 走先 要知道地球照旧一样咁转 放低手上一切执埋D手尾就去 难得冇俾狗追 行得快过四驱 唔好咁戇居 呢个派对唔使排队 有d乜野忍住转头同你有排吹 呢树有山有水有免费酒水有女 最好 俾我有一个岛 咁多位大佬 日日冇事做 净系挂住 party like we do 今晚我地开p 由呢分钟开始 今晚保证你happy party 正式开始 理你几大支 我地香槟任饮几千支 冇事 唔会出事 好似大过泳池 边个话事 边个出事o系我地party 所以人士目光系 o系我地party Ladies 各位女士 大力大力大力活动你个body 男士们咪尴尬 xxxxxxx 男士们咪硬(目骨) 放下你宗旨 你地今晚要界边个 今晚你地话事 冇运行 出事 要男人老九'损'手指 全部仔 edison XXXXXX microphone one chat one two 我地行先行先 put your hands in the air 跟住我既拍子 Party like we do We are the Clot family 放低手上一切执埋d手尾就去 难得冇俾狗追 行得快过四驱 唔好咁戇居 呢个派对唔驶排队 有d乜野忍住转头同你有排吹 呢树有山有水有免费抽水有女 最好 俾我有一个岛 咁多位大佬 日日冇事做 净系挂住 party like we do http://music.baidu.com/song/14646679

Party Like We Do 歌词


It's our party we can do what we want
It's our party we can say what we want
It's our party we can love who we want
We can kiss who we want
We can sing what we want
It's our party we can do what we want
It's our party we can say what we want
It's our party we can love who we want
We can kiss who we want
We can sing what we want

Red cups and sweaty bodies everywhere

Hands in the air like we don't care
Cause we came to have so much fun now
Got somebody here might get some now
If you're not ready to go home

Can I get a hell no

Cause we gonna go all night
Till we see the sunlight alright
So la da di da di we like to party
Dancing with Molly
Doing whatever we want

This is our house
This is our rules
And we can't stop
And we won't stop
Can't you see it's we who own the night
Can't you see it's we who 'bout that life
And we can't stop
And we won't stop
We run things, things don't run we
Don't take nothing from nobody
Yeah yeah
It's our party we can do what we want
It's our party we can say what we want
It's our party we can love who we want
We can kiss who we want
We can sing what we want

To my home girls here with the big butts
Shaking it like we at a strip club
Remember only God can judge ya
Forget the haters cause somebody loves ya
And everyone in line in the bathroom
Trying to get a line in the bathroom

We all so turnt up here
Getting turnt up yeah yeah yeahhh
So la da di da di we like to party
Dancing with Molly
Doing whatever we want

This is our house
This is our rules
And we can't stop
And we won't stop
Can't you see it's we who own the night
Can't you see it's we who 'bout that life
And we can't stop
And we won't stop
We run things
Things don't run we
Don't take nothing from nobody
Yeah yeah
It's our party we can do what we want
It's our party we can say what we want
It's our party we can love who we want
We can kiss who we want
We can sing what we want
It's our party we can do what we want to
It's our house we can love who we want to
It's our song we can sing if we want to
It's my mouth I can say what I want to
Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah

And we can't stop
And we won't stop
Can't you see it's we who own the night
Can't you see it's we who 'bout that life
And we can't stop
And we won't stop
We run things
Things don't run we
Don't take nothing from nobody
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, ehh
We Can't Stop - Miley Cyrus 是这个么? 满意请采纳。

3,求厨房仔 - Party Like We Do 国语翻译

经过咁多Bull Shit我好似仲未死
(经过这么多次的Bull Shit,我好像还没有死)
以前日日 party 而家录啲音乐令到Party啲人企起
去完地狱返嚟 总会有啲大大哋
唔使落Club已经好High 宁愿返屋企
你喺度蔑 我理尻你
我喺度笑 你以为我喺度屌
无时间同你玩 今晚返屋企吔饭
而家我有厨房仔喺Party同啲女un un un
(现在我有厨房仔在派对和那些女孩 un un un)
家阵有个公主警告啲女 唔使再搵搵搵
我 喺大约凌晨一点三十七分
Party like We do that’s only something u can wish for
So oh baby boo,
Let me see your hands wave ‘em at these bitches hating on u with their friends
I got u ’til the end
Come to my party
Chill in the party
一人一枝Blunt 人生一大乐事
成枝攞嚟队 咁先有意义
(整一枝拿来搞 这才有意义)
我哋保证 今晚无友搞事
Come to my party
Hip in the party
一人一枝雪茄 人生一大乐事
搵个伴侣 够诗情画意
我哋保证 今晚过得写意
呢度充满欢乐 无交嗌
呢度所有烦恼远离 无胶派
听住音乐 饮个畅快
生果够Juicy 猫咪够Pussy
唔受时间限制 无需要准时
呢度无分彼此 无需要自私
飞得高啲 再点多枝OD 做机师
(飞得高点,再点多一枝OD 做机师)
逼爆厨房 要Call亚基师
(把厨房撑爆,要Call亚基师 )
文字嘅派对 思想嘅派对
语言嘅派对 灵魂嘅派对
(语言的派对 灵魂的派对)
收起面具 有乜嘢好顾虑
净系谂都陶醉 未饮已经醉
Come to my party
Chill in the party
一人一枝Blunt 人生一大乐事
成枝攞嚟队 咁先有意义
(整一枝拿来搞 这才有意义)
我哋保证 今晚无友搞事
Come to my party
Hip in the party
一人一枝雪茄 人生一大乐事
搵个伴侣 够诗情画意
我哋保证 今晚过得写意
人学识文明 唔会乜都放入口
你唔明 行多两步就到出口
唔系咁熟嘅人 企埋一边un脚
见到制服部队 第一时间较脚
太削 半夜晚返屋企吔饭
(太性感 半夜回家吃饭)
想有个 私人派对又有几难
Come to my party
Chill in the party
一人一枝Blunt 人生一大乐事
成枝攞嚟队 咁先有意义
(整一枝拿来搞 这才有意义)
我哋保证 今晚无友搞事
Come to my party
Hip in the party
一人一枝雪茄 人生一大乐事
搵个伴侣 够诗情画意
我哋保证 今晚过得写意

4,求陈冠希 - 厨房仔 chef’s mixtape的歌词

Check It Out 今朝一早起身我既感觉好爽 因为今晚我队Crew Get A Party Going On 拿 我队Crew就系我既人 拿 我既人就唔只系想要Fun 如果你系呢种人请你企起身 因为我地个Party 唔知乜乜乜野Function 冇人摆哂款 D人跳哂舞 WingWing地 放松哂 系度饮多杯 冇人系度搞屎棍 D女性非常之 漂亮 我地Clot Clue越黎越越越强 饮哂喇 冇问题 开几支香槟俾你洗好吗 跟住DJ Hasebe D Beat Un下Un下 睇下表 哎呀 乜已经四点喇 快D搵呀Poon 跟住xxxxx 准备好未呀 o拿o拿o拿o拿o拿o拿o拿o拿o拿临走喇 不过我地个party未完架 约定 睇下个地点吗 Cheer 系你喇(系你呀) 你会昅住我地闪吗 * 放低手上一切执埋D手尾就去 难得冇俾狗追 行得快过四驱 唔好咁戇居 呢个派对唔使排队 有D乜野忍住转头同你有排吹 呢树有山有水有免费抽水有女 最好 俾我有一个岛 咁多位大佬 日日冇事做 净系挂住 Party Like We Do * 每个人 都拥有属於自己节奏 冇理由 一定要跟住人步伐走 Party呢个字唔一定要等到蒲头 有人会锺意慢慢Un 可惜差人唔会同你讲呢种理由 我知D人唔会分音乐会有不同年头 发现系夜游 人就唔方好人 见到个黑人就以为一定阔袍大袖 个个脚步浮浮 晚晚处处蒲头 蒲完游完坐完哥伦比亚太空船 打多个白蛤转 多几个黑眼圈 天光未玩完 搵多几个窿捐 晴天阴天雨天 最怕去错地方 唔好玩又俾人串 你觉得唔岩Turn 算 走先 走先 要知道地球照旧一样咁转 Repeat * 今晚我地开P 由呢分钟开始 今晚保证你Happy Party 正式开始 理你几大支 我地香槟任叫几千支 无事 唔会出事 肚脐大过泳池 边个话事 边个抽匙系我地party 所以人士目光系 系我地Party Ladies 各位女士 大力大力大力 动你既Body 男士们 咪硬掘 动下你中指 你地今晚要界边个 今晚你地话事 冇运行 出事 男人老狗去损手指 厨房仔 EdisonxMC Microphone Check One Two 我地 行先行先 Show Your Ass In The Air 跟住我既拍子 Party Like We Do We Are The Clot Family Repeat

5,Party Like We Do 歌词

歌曲名:Party Like We Do 歌手:陈冠希 专辑:Hazy: The 144 Hour Project Party Like We Do(Featuring Mc Yan Chef) 作词:Edison/Mc仁/Chef  作曲:Dj Hasebe 感觉好爽 因为今晚我队crew get a party going on 拿 我队crew就系我既人 拿 我既人就唔只系想要fun 如果你系呢种人请你企起身 因为我地个party XXX乜野function 冇人摆哂款 d人跳哂舞 wingwing地 放松哂 o系度饮多杯 冇人o系度搞屎棍 d女性非常之 漂亮 我地clot clue越黎越越越强 饮哂啦 冇问题 开几支香槟俾你洗好吗 跟住DJ how we baby d beat un下un下 睇下表 aiya 乜已经四点喇 快d搵呀poon 跟住xxxxx 准备好未呀 o拿o拿o拿o拿o拿o拿o拿o拿o拿临走喇 不过我地个party未完架 约定 睇下个地点吗 cheer 系你喇 你会'目及'住我地闪吗 放低手上一切执埋D手尾就去 难得冇俾狗追 行得快过四驱 唔好咁戇居 呢个派对唔使排队 有d乜野忍住转头同你有排吹 呢树有山有水有免费抽水有女 最好 俾我有一个岛 咁多位大佬 日日冇事做 净系挂住 party like we do 每个人都拥有生於自己节奏 冇理由一定要跟住人步伐走 怕被呢个贱人呃 一定要等到蒲头 有人会锺意慢慢un揸住支红酒 可惜差人唔会同你讲呢种理由 我知d人唔会分音乐会有不同 头xxxxxx 人又唔方慌好人 见到个黑人头一定阔袍大袖 个个脚步浮浮 晚晚处处蒲头 蒲完游完浮完坐完哥伦比亚太空船 打多个白蛤转 多几个黑眼圈 天光未玩完 搵多几个窿捐 晴天阴天雨天落雨天 最怕去错地方 唔好玩又俾人串 你个人唔啱tune 算走先 走先 要知道地球照旧一样咁转 放低手上一切执埋D手尾就去 难得冇俾狗追 行得快过四驱 唔好咁戇居 呢个派对唔使排队 有d乜野忍住转头同你有排吹 呢树有山有水有免费酒水有女 最好 俾我有一个岛 咁多位大佬 日日冇事做 净系挂住 party like we do 今晚我地开p 由呢分钟开始 今晚保证你happy party 正式开始 理你几大支 我地香槟任饮几千支 冇事 唔会出事 好似大过泳池 边个话事 边个出事o系我地party 所以人士目光系 o系我地party Ladies 各位女士 大力大力大力活动你个body 男士们咪尴尬 xxxxxxx 男士们咪硬(目骨) 放下你宗旨 你地今晚要界边个 今晚你地话事 冇运行 出事 要男人老九'损'手指 全部仔 edison XXXXXX microphone one chat one two 我地行先行先 put your hands in the air 跟住我既拍子 Party like we do We are the Clot family 放低手上一切执埋d手尾就去 难得冇俾狗追 行得快过四驱 唔好咁戇居 呢个派对唔驶排队 有d乜野忍住转头同你有排吹 呢树有山有水有免费抽水有女 最好 俾我有一个岛 咁多位大佬 日日冇事做 净系挂住 party like we do http://music.baidu.com/song/51861571


歌词“好像走入你给的迷宫”,出自EXO演唱的《狼与美女 (EXO 中文版)》。

歌名:狼与美女 (EXO 中文版)
作曲 : Kenzie / Will Simms / Nermin Harambasic
作词 : 周炜杰
编曲:Will Simms / Kenzie
所属专辑:XOXO Hug Ver.(中文版)
唱片公司:S.M. Entertainment
专辑风格:流行舞曲 Dance-Pop, 韩国流行 K-Pop

多么想要一口吞下 甜得像蜜的你
先闻香味 欣赏你的细腻
我用品嚐红酒 那样的优雅享用你
啊~为何我 那双臂 失去力气 没了食欲 Eh~ 不见了
我怎么会失常怪异 不像自己 是否得病
啊~ 怎么办好!
快醒过来 别乱猜 这种感觉 绝对 不可能是爱

HEY 别打扰 告诉我 她是猎物 别再多心
HEY 就是不同Style了,等到满月升起之前一定要抓到你

我是WOLF 一头WOLF Awuuuu~ (AH~ Sa rang Hae Yo)
我是WOLF 一头WOLF Awuuuu~ (AH~ Sa rang Hae Yo)
我目睹内心 原来 那个我 慢慢张开如火焰般的瞳孔

在左顾右盼 却是找不到路逃离
我心里想那一头兽 将会撕裂我的身体
但她 不明白 我已经 陷入了狂恋

只想 完美的 完美的 完美的 你!
成为 我的爱 我的爱 我的爱 Hoo !
不要 再逃避 再逃避 再逃避 我!

逼近 疯狂的 疯狂的 疯狂的 Wolf!
被你 困住的 困住的 困住的 Wolf!
彻底 盲目的 盲目的 盲目的 Wolf!
EY 别打扰 告诉我 她是猎物 别再多心
HEY 就是不同Style了,等到满月升起之前一定要抓到你
我是WOLF 一头WOLF Awuuuu~ (AH~ Sa rang Hae Yo)
我是WOLF 一头WOLF Awuuuu~ (AH~ Sa rang Hae Yo)


这黄色满月 在嘲笑我 活得不像野兽痛快
拼命想转变我 但它在夜空之上发了疯
可是无法阻止 让我爱她
我目睹内心 原来 那个我 慢慢张开如火焰般的瞳孔
我目睹内心 原来 那个我 慢慢张开如火焰般的瞳孔
我是WOLF 一头WOLF Awuuuu~ (AH~ Sa rang Hae Yo)
我是WOLF 一头WOLF Awuuuu~ (AH~ Sa rang Hae Yo)

7,求一首歌的歌词 !拜托~~

Yo, Medasyn starts. First the political son, Zuz Rock. Den, I will do. Yo. See anybody wanna checks me on dis? Be like most dese kids who chuck sh*t S*ck record company head. Frost P, I keep it, nuh-uh. Still bills I'm payin', still for mils I'm prayin' In the meanwhile, I stayed me and wait, De life ain't great, But's better than the jobs from state, For makin' it, mate, just a Q and A. Still ghetto wit de mind of a needle A cricket in the cheater, Draw a nine millimeter up. Makin it, 'caine. If I get shifty, never reven' eddy Ain't life, but I stay in de game Den dat police cruiser say: "Ain't you the little -- ?" Frame my brain to the game But I let you know de whistle (tweet) Same issue, I move like a video on jerk. Steady, walk forward in my Timberland boots And I still ready to shoot, you need proof? Shall we? Any time, Fuck I'm able. I never get signed! More time, Niggas wanna leave me behind. Tell me to put my name on de dotted line. Ya find, when ye ** contracts to de street Come around, will you? In the last two weeks, you're too weak. I still represent Hays Town. Though it's my proximity, my boy face down. Murder mans, like a f*n greyhound Quit runnin' in de bank, til yer laid down. Style to the manner, got a place in the manor Like a .38, always come back to the man-ner. That's grammar. Use your bank, big like de clamps. You versus me equals my car trunk. Lissen up -- Zuz, Frost P, eyes frosty, Dat Meda camp, kills MCs softly Like lure in, we got shots from foreign. And you don't wanna f*k wiv my side, fool Lissen up -- Zuz, Frost P, eyes frosty, Dat Meda camp, kills MCs softly Like lure in, we got shots from foreign. And you don't wanna f*k wiv my side, fool Yo, this is Shystie . . . Yeh, SOV, Lady Sovereign, I'm wid Shystie. Let's take dese boys out, yah? I'm on it, boy-eh. . .Let's battle . . . Show dese guys what we're worth, big boy, 'Cos I know, see, I can spit ... Let's show dem. A'right! Yo, dere's suttin, I got one bad habit, When those streets step to me, I won't have it, 'Specially people like you and you an . . . Dat's okay, now when I come through Come up de light's in de low power, Remember de time when you got slaughtered, Beef? Cos' no, it's just an argument Words they is jerkin' in de House of Parliament. Wid out de words, wid out de verbs Little boys left on de kerb. People, lift dem up before dey get hurt. But their heart rate stop (beeep) When they have just learned Dat I'm above de flow Leave yer mind in high-low Like de center of a polo, push Can't enter his height when I'm so low, Yah, yeh don't know, so -- None a yer words can hurt me, fool. None a yer combats mean f*k, fool. Nuffin' you say can hurt me, fool. I feel bad, pity for you. Rue the lack of sense. That's yer ish-ing dat does dis. Where yer car? harhar! A domestic life Devil promotion of sickness (hwack) An illness? Anyone listenin' is a witness. Helpless lady -- I never written dis. Let's get on wid de quick busi-ness. S.O.V. dot, dot... lyricists can get us dis? -- No. Hup-two-three-four, I'm goin' to war, To win -- I leave the runner-up sore. (ow!) I'm raw, like uncut meat, That's why I'm in de hole, Dat why I flak it, I'm a treat -- I'm deep. But my face looks sweet! Sweet enough to fool yeh 'bout my greed. Waltz it to where dem don't sleep, Yah, now creep! Yo, lissen up to Sovereign and me, Shystie! The Meda camp's deep, and they never stopped we Spittin' lyrics in your face, you can't keep up de pace So you don't wanna f*k wiv our side, fool! Yo, lissen up to Sovereign and me, Shystie! The Meda camp's deep, and they never stopped we Spittin' lyrics in your face, you can't keep up de pace So you don't wanna f*k wiv our side, fool! Ha! So, let's show dese boys what time it is. I'm showin' you, Dey don't know about how us gurrls sspit, yeh. Let's show dem how we keep it rill. Let's show dem what de deal is. Let's show dem what time it is. Shystie! Let's go! Oi! 'ey, lissen up, Don't get f*ked up wiv a tabaco, fool, durin' PMS, Cos' my mood swings get yeh in a state of distress. And the lyrical Shakespeare doesn't ever test Doesn't spit about a rattle man's chest Accordings to dese angles, if dere was a circle Yeh! -- play, boy, but I know my swivin' hurt you. I take you for a joke, so you get laffed at (haha) Yer a basic MC, boy. I'm done -- past it. Cos' my microphone sample is in de silence, Leaving, yeh suddenly need stabilizing. Yeh wanted to better me just like an idiot. But I'll show everyone (sure!) here dat yerr not ready yet. I need a body bag, body back in a closed hearse. Leff it in de church, can I really get worse? Cannot rilly know dat I jes silly caught, seen me But I'm still here, cos' I moved out de window. Goin' to make havoc -- spit til I choke. How could anyone ever better me for a joke. See de tick-tock? on de body clock, sh*t don't stop. If you wanna come and drop a lyric, there is no top. But if you had it, you still couldn't rhyme You still couldn't write (nah) in beat to dis time So you never get close enough to me to attack. You take two steps forward, but three steps back. Cos' I'm daily separatin' mens day by day, No self-esteem? Meditate and don't think of it, Unless its how I'll make you lose your confidence. Even how you spittin on dis track is never-never lan'. ish -- you. can't. spit. and. it's. better. dat. you. quit. leave. it. to Shystie. that. spits. hot toxic. but -- you member how we's doin' all? yeh! right! hah hah! Yo, lissen up to Sovereign and me, Shystie! The Meda camp's deep, and they never stopped we Spittin' lyrics in your face, you can't keep up de pace So you don't wanna f*k wiv our side, fool! Yo, lissen up to Sovereign and me, Shystie! The Meda camp's deep, and they never stopped we Spittin' lyrics in your face, you can't keep up de pace So you don't wanna f*k wiv our side, fool! Yo! This is it! heh hah haa! The beef's kickin' off now! (s'fun now) Frost P! Bruce Grove N17. Z-U! Let's take down these duck birds. (nice) Yo, I used both of dese girls back Like pick-up sexin', before de beef is on. And your Miss Dynamite Impressions ain't botherin' no one. So thanks for naught. Get yer own slogan! Take that! Matter of fact, get off de track. I'm too classy to go back-to-back Wiv your average hood-rats. What you know about markin' yer game Up yer walls? Nuffin. Spittin crap at yer sympathizers. (nuffin!) Treat yeh frauds like Kit-Kat -- "Give 'em a break!" Cos' yer unknown and fake, Cos' yer bound to hate. Dey wanna beee like us!! (I know) But they're featherweight, And I'm a heavyweight. Eatin' MCs like ready-break. If that's the case, imagine when it gets skipped. Slap quick and exit. (huh huh) And home it crept. Must be men! 'Cos you had the boobs to steppin' into a rep But you get blazed off de set. Trustin' if you be Lady Sovereign, get bits in de hedges. Don't to trust get me in da stakes. Even wif Gab's compressor, ya still sound lesser. So don't get it twisted, girls -- you aint better. Man, I take down your whole 'hood wiv my full wood. You hear de way I flow, and you rilly wish you could. Never dat! Too many rhymes, too many lines. For the amateurs like you, I ain't got de time. Lissen up -- Zuz, Frost P, eyes frosty, Dat Meda camp, kills MCs softly Like lure in, we got shots from foreign. And you don't wanna f*k wiv my side, fool Lissen up -- Zuz, Frost P, eyes frosty, Dat Meda camp, kills MCs softly Like lure in, we got shots from foreign. And you don't wanna f*k wiv my side, fool heh heh. Yah, dese gurls can't be serious! Frost, are these gurls serious, man? They better f*kin' reco'nize what time it is, Before we clean their clocks. R-O-C? -- yep. I spit sick rhymes, stars Better den yours, times ten. I rhyme couple time, I punish you in line, You could never take Zuz for a spin. 'Cos this isn't nevah-nevah I'm tougher dan evah. My vendetta is simply payback Write lyrics wiv no pen, no paper. Hate-ers never prosper. (yep) So get lost like cheese down a sofa. Gabi doesn't matter to me. 'Cos if Shystie is on battlin' me She's ready to see, R.O. is old school Like bullet-hole jeans (whew) -- when de bullet goes in I used to shop work to get a gold fing. For sure, I'm talkin', my fro's clean. Yo, my 'fro's clean, just like the po sheets Better listen up when R.O. speaks. So all of my worrds are hurrrtin' you. And yer broke down, sound like dudes. Why would not you got a better fing to do? Easy to cure you hos, I won't lose. ZU-ZU! In the MC game, I put a lame MC to shame. You've only got yourself to blame. Tame your voice when you talk big (or my sh*t will) I kill your little kids like mornin'-after pills -- So chill. When you walked in, I met ends, it's not happenin'. I still strappin' my nine, I still rappin' part time. Lemme up, I take ye back de hallways. Ye don't wanna see me take it back to old days -- I favored Frost P like a maniac. (he's great) 'Cos I'm back, I show you where the f*ks izzat. I'm still one of a kind, win de war wiv me? Killed twenty-two (22.) MCs, Dem wanna make it twenty-three (23!). Lissen up -- Zuz, Frost P, eyes frosty, Dat Meda camp, kills MCs softly Like lure in, we got shots from foreign. And you don't wanna f*k wiv my side, fool Lissen up -- Zuz, Frost P, eyes frosty, Dat Meda camp, kills MCs softly Like lure in, we got shots from foreign. And you don't wanna f*k wiv my side, fool I'll clue you, hands tied behind my fat*ss No lies, I won't even close my eyes. Turn aroun', when my back faced In yer face, it's replaced. Spit my lyrics in yer face like mace. Yo, my eyes -------- I pity de fool who will sell it Like dresser, uh huh. I be de midget in de middle Wot right about now (yo) But can you do a little? Rose, never stoppin'. I called de rolls, twenty years old. I still hopin' to bust wiv de chop hoss boss. We stop -- if accused, we just rush past. Educated, but yep, I still bank last! See, I'm renegade. Roll wid de R.O.C., Plus, we fully stocked wid de nine milli 'Cos we hot and den it's a Harvard Deres offa banned and a filly, I f*kin chopped Pokemon, car trunk kitty. A lotta people know Shystie de renegade, I keep glasses by de bottle, but I stock lemonade. So -- don't get twisted, 'cos I'm not Shy. Give a bad look, get a right hook in yer eye! Fat man dat pull scares like anthrax Leave a boy lookin, zip is lips wit' Tampax! Wit my accent, jack all de lime off de track. Make a used door sound like "Oh dear, Maxwell" Still -- Huffing and puffing and bluffing And not on a double to nuttin'. I doubled up when I f*d yer girlfriend, Double to double, when I doubled de barrel, R.O. dubbed it, so you won't be into lurin' Yeh dont wanna look in my eye, fool! My lyrics see people dat cry, fool! Yeh'll see black and white, Like a black tie ball, so --


他是成龙的“秘密武器”、谢霆锋的同学和未来的劲敌、张国荣亲自制作唱片、 ABC美女Maggie Q的绯闻男友,英皇老板杨受成的新宠,有这么多人力棒和提携,他势必将成为娱乐圈的新贵,所以你一定要记住这个Bad Boy——陈冠希。年轻,长得帅,家境富裕,一炮而红,好像什么好运的事,都给陈冠希给碰上了; 歪嘴,不敬业,乱放电,唱歌烂,好像各方面批评也都被骂过了。他一直坚持做自己、唱自己喜欢的歌,所以大部分时候都做到了“陈冠希风格”。爱他的人说他是率性,恨他的人说他太任性,陈冠希的真性情,必须要fans自己来真实感受。 英文姓名: Edison Chen 中文姓名:陈冠希 日文姓名: Totemo Tsukarette 别名: Eddie, Illkid 生日日期: 1980-10-07 出生地: 加拿大温哥华 籍贯: 上海 星座: 天秤座 家庭成员: 爸爸,妈妈,两位姐姐 身高:179cm 体重:145磅 语言: 广东话, 英文, 日文, 普通话 学历: Grade1-5 (温哥华) Grade6-10 (香港) Grade11 (纽约) Grade12 (温哥华) Grade13 (香港) 学校: 香港国际学校 嗜好: 跳舞, 唱歌, 打篮球, 捽碟, 上网 宠物姓名: Chico, Mitsou, Tenshi 喜好: [Favourites] 偶像:本地-郑秀文、成龙、张国荣;美国-R Kelly、Jay-z、Janet Jackson、Allen Iverson 最喜欢的颜色:蓝色 最喜欢的食物:日本菜 最喜欢的音乐:R&B,Hip-Hop 最喜欢的舞蹈:Hip-Hop 最喜欢的运动:篮球 最喜欢的运动员:Allen Iverson 最喜欢的国家和城市:美国纽约 最喜欢的动物:自己养的狗 最喜欢的饰物:自己的钻石耳钉和白金戒指 最喜欢的杂志:太多不能尽录 最喜欢的品牌:undercover, neighborhood, number(n)ine, revolver 最喜欢的电影作品:英雄本色 星球大战 帝国骄雄 火拼时速 难忘经历 : 拍摄特警新人类、第一次灌录唱片、深圳百事宣传活动 最漂亮的人:妈妈,Jennifer Lopez, Alicia Keys,章子怡 喜欢事物:和平、开心 不喜欢的事物:虚伪的人、战争 经理人:陈自强 唱片公司:Music Plus 通讯地址:15/F, Crocodile House 1, 50 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong 心愿:成为一个出色歌手和演员 曾演广告:1. 黎明所执导的CityBank广告、2. 地铁广告(与张柏芝)、3. 百事可乐(郭富城客串)、4.LEVI'S广告、5.可比克薯片广告、6.衣之纯广告、7.三星相机广告


我可以帮助你剪这个发型。如果你想这样的发型的话,可以去较大的发廊剪。一般大的发廊会有本书的- -,里面有很多发型。我相信发廊里一定会有这类发型。如果没有你按照我这样说,发型师会知道怎么剪的啦 1.两边铲青(指耳部哪里的部分铲短), 2.刘海可以剪斜点,到眼角(这样才可以用发蜡搞起),可以叫发型师头顶剪短碎(有刺刺的感觉)。 3.至于后面,边修理一下,其他地方长碎。 效果如图,跟你的差不多。