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suicidegirl,Bessy SuicideGirls 求这个女孩的详细资料。


1,Bessy SuicideGirls 求这个女孩的详细资料。

Bessy Suicide
SG官网上她的个人最后一次写真是2012.9,用她自己的阐述是有人在别的网站撒播了她的图片让她自己和家人感到困惑和影响她的家庭,所有叫SG管理和散播者删除了她的写真,国内很难找到,国外也是珍惜资源(相对于国内来说外国人对这些习以为常)在某些外国资源网还是有的 纯手工回答请珍惜劳动

Bessy SuicideGirls 求这个女孩的详细资料。


直译:自毁女孩 \ 自杀女孩 \ 自虐女孩 Suicide Girls创立于2001年,创始人名叫Missy Suicide。她对pin-up照片(钉在墙上作为装饰的照片)疯狂着迷,于是和男友Sean开办了网站。最初旨在拍摄她所认识的女孩们,后来以波兰为发轫,许多特立独行、朋克放克气息浓郁的女孩都云集于此。   她们的共同特点是:展现自己由纹身、铁环、穿刺装点起来的胴体,继而张显自己的个性。网站创立之初,由于提供大量免费视频下载,点击率飙升。而它介乎色 情和艺术之间的立场又引发了网络上下的巨大争论。   截至目前为止,Suicide Girls已经吸引12000到15000名渴望展示自己的女孩,她们个性强烈,性感迷人。在这里,她们拥有绝对的自由选择服装、风景、化妆品,甚至可以自拍。所有一切都指向一个目标,张扬极致的迷人个性。与Suicide Girls合作的女孩们会得到Suicide Girls所提供的服装以及300美元的生活保障金。但是,在个性彰显的世界里,钱并不是重要的东西。   Suicide Girls里面的女孩以颜色来形容的话,只能是色彩斑斓,且无法复制。她们大多是身材苗条的白人女孩,这也是Suicide Girls的特点之一。Suicide Girls完全不顾及评论界的陈词滥调,依然故我,虽然并不打算取悦大众,但是仍然有成千上万的人为这些女孩着迷。   另一个特点是,在这里所有的女孩都留下自己真正的姓名,所有人都可以自由发表评论。Suicide Girls从最初一个小型的怪异网站,逐渐发展成为混合诸多流行元素的小社会。除了提供不下10万张的照片,人们还能通过视频、电邮、博客等途径了解这些女孩,还能在上面创建自己的空间去结识更多朋友。某种程度上,Suicide Girls已经成为生活的跳板。有的人借此成为平面模特,有的则找到自己的倾心伴侣。对于后者需要提醒的是,如果你想赢得一个朋克女孩的心,就让她作她自己。


烟花易冷 - 周杰伦
繁华声 遁入空门 折煞了世人
梦偏冷 辗转一生 情债又几本
如你默认 生死枯等
枯等一圈 又一圈的 年轮
浮图塔 断了几层 断了谁的魂
痛直奔 一盏残灯 倾塌的山门
容我再等 历史转身

等酒香醇 等你弹 一曲古筝
雨纷纷 旧故里草木深
我听闻 你始终一个人
斑驳的城门 盘踞着老树根
石板上回荡的是 再等
雨纷纷 旧故里草木深
我听闻 你仍守着孤城
城郊牧笛声 落在那座野村
缘份落地生根是 我们
听青春 迎来笑声 羡煞许多人
那史册 温柔不肯 下笔都太狠
烟花易冷 人事易分
而你在问 我是否还 认真
千年后 累世情深 还有谁在等
而青史 岂能不真 魏书洛阳城
如你在跟 前世过门
跟着红尘 跟随我 浪迹一生
雨纷纷 旧故里草木深
我听闻 你始终一个人
斑驳的城门 盘踞着老树根
石板上回荡的是 再等
雨纷纷 旧故里草木深
我听闻 你仍守着孤城
城郊牧笛声 落在那座野村
缘份落地生根是 我们
雨纷纷 旧故里草木深
我听闻 你始终一个人
斑驳的城门 盘踞着老树根
石板上回荡的是 再等
雨纷纷 雨纷纷 旧故里草木深
我听闻 我听闻 你仍守着孤城
城郊牧笛声 落在那座野村
缘份落地生根是 我们
缘份落地生根是 我们
伽蓝寺听雨声盼 永恒

4,有一首男声英文歌歌词里有FIVE FOUR THREE TWO ONE 和 啊偶啊偶,节奏较快

《Are you ready》 《Are you ready》是由Groove Coverage演唱的歌曲,该歌曲收录Groove Coverage2002年11月发行的专辑《Covergirl》中。 舞动精灵乐团在2002年6月以首张单曲《Moonlight Shadow》取得了金唱片销量,累积销售25万张。11月 《God Is A Girl》一经发行即飙升德国DJ榜首。2002年发表首张专辑《Covergirl》(封面女郎)。2003年获得德国最佳新进艺人奖,德国舞曲奖。 2004年发行第二张专辑《7 Years And 50 Days》(7年又50天),在亚洲达到白金销量,在中国市场销售两百万张,获得德国年度最佳舞曲团体。2007年发行第三张专辑《21st Century》(21世纪)和精选集《Greatest Hits》。

5,找一首男声英文歌,歌词里(不是开头)有five four three two one,

歌曲名: Are You Ready 歌手名: creed 专辑名: Human Clay Creed - Are You Ready Hey, Mr. Seeker hold on to this advice If you keep seeking you will find Dont want to follow Down roads been walked before Its so hard to find unopened doors Are you ready? Are you ready? For whats to come...Oh I said Are you ready? Are you Ready?...For whats to come Hey, Mr. Hero Walking a thin, fine line Under the microscope of life Remember your roots, my friend Theyre right down below Cause heroes come and heroes go Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one Count down to the change in life thats soon to come Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one Count down to the change in life thats soon to come Your life has just begun Life has just begun Life has just begun Life has just begun Oh I said Are you ready? Are you ready? For whats to come 歌曲名: pass that dutch 歌手名: missy elliot 专辑名: Listen up everyone! we have been just informed That theres an unknown virus thats attacking all clubs Symptoms have been said to be - heaving breathing Wild dancing, coughing So when you hear the sound - WHO-DI-WHOOOO! Run for cover.. WOOOOOO! Ahh daddy! Ooooo! Ah! oh, ooh! Pass that dutch (ah), pass that dutch (ooh) Pass that dutch (ah), pass that dutch (ah) Pass that dutch (ah), pass that dutch (ah) Pass that dutch (whoo), pass that dutch Misdemeanor on the flow, pretty boy here I come Pumps in the bunk make you wanna hurt something I can take your man I dont have to sex em Hang em out the window call me Micheal Jackson (hehehee!) Im a pain in your rectum, I am that bitch yall slept on Heavy hitter, rhyme spitter, call me Re-Run Hey hey hey, Im whats happnin Now to get my drink (thats right!) Shake ya ass till it stink (thats right!) Mr. Mos on the beat (thats right!) Put it down for the streets (thats right!) (WHO-DI-WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!) Pass that dutch, pass that dutch Pass that dutch, pass that dutch, pass that dutch Come on pass the dutch baby! (ahh!) Shake-shake shake ya stuff baby! (WHO-DI-WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!) Pass that dutch, pass that dutch Pass that dutch, pass that dutch Pop that, pop that, jiggle that fat (ahh!) Dont stop, get it till ya clothes get wet Number one - drums go bump, bump, bump This beat here will make you hoomp, boomp, jump If yous a fat one, put your clothes back on Before you start putting pot holes in my lawn Oh my God, show em Im large Shove my beat up, attack like my name was Saddam I am the bomb from New York to Milan And I can write a song sicker than Jeffrey Dahm (Woop woop!) Dont touch my car alarm Break in my car you will hear "Viper Armed" Ive been a superstar since Daddy Kane was raw "Thank you! oh thank you, you all are so wonderful!" (WHO-DI-WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!) Pass that dutch, pass that dutch Pass that dutch, pass that dutch, pass that dutch Come on pass the dutch baby! (ahh!) Shake-shake shake ya stuff baby! (WHO-DI-WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!) Pass that dutch, pass that dutch Pass that dutch, pass that dutch Pop that, pop that, jiggle that fat (ahh!) Dont stop, get it till ya clothes get wet Listen up, you have five seconds to catch your breath Pop that, pop that, make that money Just keep it going, like the Energizer Bunny Shake that, shake that, move it all around Spank that, yank that, dutch back now Freak him, freak her, whatever ya choice Didnt come to judge, I came to get ya moist Scream - (WHO-DI-WHOOOOOOO!) now my voice is lost (WHO-DI-WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!) Pass that dutch, pass that dutch Pass that dutch, pass that dutch, pass that dutch Come on pass the dutch baby! (ahh!) Shake-shake shake ya stuff baby! (WHO-DI-WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!) Pass that dutch, pass that dutch Pas

6,找一首英文歌,最后的歌词好像是 miss you much

big big world
I’m a big big girl in a big big world
It’s not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel that I too too will miss you much miss you much…

I can see the first leaf falling it’s all yellow and nice
It’s so very cold outside like the way I’m feeling inside

I’m a big big girl in a big big world
It’s not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel that I too too will miss you much miss you much…

Outside it’s now raining and tears are falling from my eyes
Why did it have to happen why did it all have to end

I’m a big big girl in a big big world
It’s not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel that I too too will miss you much miss you much…

I have your arms around me warm like fire
But when I open my eyes you’re gone…

I’m a big big girl in a big big world
It’s not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel that I too too will miss you much miss you much…

7,有一首韩文歌歌词里有 miss you so much 是什么歌

楼主,应该是安七炫——吴建豪的 《127日》

how we end up here
You know it's funny
I just miss you so much
I still remember holding you kissing you
I wish I could just see you right now lying in my arms
Baby I'm waiting for you
Please just come back to me
I love you

如果是女生的话,应该是SES的《sweety humming》

How does it fell babe
To taste sweet revenge
Do you want me on my knees
How does it feel babe
to let me feel your strength
Don't be cruel, can't you see
If you don't catch me now
I can't stop falling down
Just one more night and the devil's got my soul
I need your love babe don't tell me "no way"
Babe I miss you so much more than words can say
How does it feel babe
To kill our destiny
I swear I'm not gonna crawl oh no
How does it feel babe
To make a fool out of me
How can you be so cold
If you don't catch me now
I can't stop falling down
Just one more night and the devil's got my soul
I need your love babe don't treat me this way
Ooh I miss you, I miss you
Baby our love's got what it takes
To give us one more chance to start once again
Baby our love will find a way
As long as we believe in love

8,suicide is painless歌词(中文翻译)

Suicide is Painless

自杀无痛 (自杀并不痛苦,自杀并不可怕)

Through early morning fog I see

Visions of the things to be

The pains that are withheld for me

I realize and I can see

That suicide is painless

It brings on many changes

And I can take or leave it if I please
而且,如果愿意 我可以承受或者离去

The game of life is hard to play

I'm going to lose it anyway

The losing card I'll someday lay

So this is all I have to say

Suicide is painless

It brings on many changes

And I can take or leave it if I please
而且,如果愿意 我可以承受或者离去

The sword of time will pierce our skins

It doesn't hurt when it begins

But as it works it's way on in

The pain grow stronger watch it grin

Suicide is painless

It brings on many changes

And I can take or leave it if I please
而且,如果愿意 我可以承受或者离去

A brave man once requested me

To answer questions that are key

Is it to be or not to be

And I replied "Oh why ask me."
哦 我告诉他 为什么问我

Suicide is painless

It brings on many changes

And I can take or leave it if I please
而且 如果愿意 我可以承受或者离去

And you can do the same thing if you please

9,the raveonettes的suicide 歌词 中英文对照

歌手名: 在raveonettes
歌曲名: suicide 歌曲名: 自杀
专辑名: In And Out Of Control 专辑名: 在失控
Dream little girl 小女孩的梦想
On lonely street 在孤独的街道
Little runaway girl 失控的小女孩
Do it again 再做它
Your boyfriend ’ s mean 你的男朋友氏平均
And your mom ’ sa bitch 和你的妈妈 ' 山婊子
Run run run away little girl 邵逸夫出走的小女孩
Get your fun in this trashy world 获得这个糗世界的乐趣
Empty-hearted boys by your side 在您身边空善良的男孩
Lick your lips and fuck suicide 舔你的嘴唇和他妈的自杀
Suicide 自杀
No tonight 今晚无
You ’ re ripe for love 你很成熟的爱
New York ’ s the shit 纽约氏的狗屎
On the Brooklyn Bridge 在布鲁克林大桥
You fix your stare 您解决您的凝视
The East River sleeps 东河睡觉

10,最后 男主 掉下悬崖 是一首英文歌的mv 谁有印象

Girl - Suicide

My friend, she wants
To be a Suicide Girl
I'll take her picture
For the whole wide world
I've known her for a long time
You could say that I'm a fan
But I always thought that
I would be her man
My friend, she wants
To be the girl of suicide
She wants a number
For her radical side
I know that she is special
I can see what she has got
But what I have loved and guarded close
She will take, and to the world exposed
She gives it all away
My friend
She sometimes gets anxiety and stress
She got a manual
From the NHS
She proclaims a week of sadness!
Please abstain from telling jokes!
The world will see her poet emerge
A butterfly to empathy
I know that I can do it
I'm in to light, I'm in to shade
But let's face the facts
We ain't going back
When she takes off her clothes
We'll never be the same again!