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naturalhigh,natural high什么意思?


1,natural high什么意思?

natural adj.自然的, 自然界的, 关于自然界的, 天生的, 天赋的, 普通的, 正常的, 简单自然的 high n. 高度, 高处adj.高的, 高原的, 高等的, 高音的, 傲慢的, 高尚的, 昂贵的, 严重的adv.高度地, 奢侈地, 高价地 所以组合起来就是--普通的水平/水准 Nature High 自然快感/自然快感(歌曲名,Natural High) 例如 NATURAL HIGH 影片名称 Natural Math High School Montana 雇主 natural intelligent high polymer materials 天然智能高分子材料

natural high什么意思?

2,Natural High 歌词

歌曲名:Natural High 歌手:Hammerfall 专辑:Steel Meets Steel - 10 Years Of Glory CD2 Last night I had a vivid dream. I found a place where nothing’s what it seems. I’m bound to walk this earth alone. I am a hunter and the heir to the throne. The chase of blood and sweet revenge. It keeps on hammering in my head. The urge to kill is getting stronger. I’m south of heaven, north of hell. My final place to rest. Surrender your soul. Surrender your pride. Please enter my dream. Find your natural high. You’ve got nothing to fear. Cause your rebirth is near. The battle rages deep inside. No where to run for my eternal bride. And when the darkness comes around. I come alive cause, glorious we, by blood I am bound. I taste your blood so bitter sweet. Come ease my pain get on your knees. You know throughout is meant to be. Forever missed out what it seems. This is your final scream. Surrender your soul. Surrender your pride. Please enter my dream. Find your natural high. You’ve got nothing to fear. Cause your rebirth is near. So you are born again. To a higher plane. In my dark lair you’re part of the game. Forever we are, forever we’ll be. We’re forever free. Surrender your soul. Surrender your pride. Please enter my dream. Find your natural high. You’ve got nothing to fear. Cause your rebirth is near. http://music.baidu.com/song/22303668

3,Natural High (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Natural High (Live) 歌手:Slim Dusty 专辑:Slim Dusty Live Last night I had a vivid dream. I found a place where nothing’s what it seems. I’m bound to walk this earth alone. I am a hunter and the heir to the throne. The chase of blood and sweet revenge. It keeps on hammering in my head. The urge to kill is getting stronger. I’m south of heaven, north of hell. My final place to rest. Surrender your soul. Surrender your pride. Please enter my dream. Find your natural high. You’ve got nothing to fear. Cause your rebirth is near. The battle rages deep inside. No where to run for my eternal bride. And when the darkness comes around. I come alive cause, glorious we, by blood I am bound. I taste your blood so bitter sweet. Come ease my pain get on your knees. You know throughout is meant to be. Forever missed out what it seems. This is your final scream. Surrender your soul. Surrender your pride. Please enter my dream. Find your natural high. You’ve got nothing to fear. Cause your rebirth is near. So you are born again. To a higher plane. In my dark lair you’re part of the game. Forever we are, forever we’ll be. We’re forever free. Surrender your soul. Surrender your pride. Please enter my dream. Find your natural high. You’ve got nothing to fear. Cause your rebirth is near. http://music.baidu.com/song/10409973

4,Natural High 歌词

歌曲名:Natural High 歌手:Hammerfall 专辑:Steel Meets Steel: Ten Years Of Glory Last night I had a vivid dream. I found a place where nothing’s what it seems. I’m bound to walk this earth alone. I am a hunter and the heir to the throne. The chase of blood and sweet revenge. It keeps on hammering in my head. The urge to kill is getting stronger. I’m south of heaven, north of hell. My final place to rest. Surrender your soul. Surrender your pride. Please enter my dream. Find your natural high. You’ve got nothing to fear. Cause your rebirth is near. The battle rages deep inside. No where to run for my eternal bride. And when the darkness comes around. I come alive cause, glorious we, by blood I am bound. I taste your blood so bitter sweet. Come ease my pain get on your knees. You know throughout is meant to be. Forever missed out what it seems. This is your final scream. Surrender your soul. Surrender your pride. Please enter my dream. Find your natural high. You’ve got nothing to fear. Cause your rebirth is near. So you are born again. To a higher plane. In my dark lair you’re part of the game. Forever we are, forever we’ll be. We’re forever free. Surrender your soul. Surrender your pride. Please enter my dream. Find your natural high. You’ve got nothing to fear. Cause your rebirth is near. http://music.baidu.com/song/54379154



ps:你说的电视剧 是SUMMER NUDE吧 长泽雅美


歌曲:Cappuccino(卡布奇诺) 作曲:Jae Y.Chong 作词:姚谦 演唱:萧亚轩 歌词如下: Elva girl bring it on cuz we can, Baby rock it til'da early morn, We're gonna keep it goin baby, On and on we be holdn't down't, Til'da break of dawn cheak, 自从他走了以后,在我的心中, 留着不大不小伤口,在这个入秋街头, 所有感受,我还沉溺在回忆漩涡, 有人说爱是种烈酒,会让人失去了左右, Oh yeah,我却对爱有种不同感受, 我深深的觉得,它像手中, Cappuccino,爱情像, Cappuccino,浓浓的眷恋泡沫, 诱人的气息,多爱不释手,爱是, Cappuccino,苦苦的美丽滋味, Yeah,藏在我心头久久, Come and hit me baby one more, Time cuz the scent of you makes me, Lose my mind takin control of, My heart with your sensuous style, Makin me wild takin me on a, Natural high and you now, 我也以为我能够,在心碎的时候, 转身大步大步就走,在这个微寒气候, 坐在咖啡馆中,温柔只能心中虚构, 有人说爱是种烈酒,会让人失去了左右, Oh yeah,我却对爱有种不同感受, 我深深的觉得,它像手中, Cappuccino,爱情像, Cappuccino,浓浓的眷恋泡沫, 诱人的气息,多爱不释手,爱是, Cappuccino,苦苦的美丽滋味, 藏在我心头久久,有些事已不想说, 有些愁无法形容,只有尝过的人才懂, 如果你深深爱过,付出过温柔爱一个人, 上瘾了以后,思念浓, Cheak1 cheak2 cheak3 listen baby, Cuz i'mtellin da truth cuz i'm getting dazy, I'm getting hazy, The scent of you girl still amaze me, Baby faze me and gets me crazy, So baby tell me is it infatuation, Cuz i'm head over heels in this situation, So baby baby keep it goin on and on cuz when it comes to love, I'm known to be second to none so cheak it, 爱情像,Cappuccino, 浓浓的眷恋泡沫,诱人的气息, 多爱不释手,爱是, Cappuccino,苦苦的美丽滋味, Yeah,藏在我心头久久, Elva girl bring it on cuz we can baby rock it til da early moen, We're gonna keep it goin baby on and on, We be holdn't it down til da break of dawn yeah。 扩展资料: 《Cappuccino》是由萧亚轩演唱的一首歌曲,该曲收录于萧亚轩发行于1999年的专辑《萧亚轩同名专辑》。该曲也是2011年刘德华、巩俐主演电影《我知女人心》的片尾曲。 该歌曲其它版本: 林隆璇版《Cappuccino》是由Jae Y.Chong作曲,姚谦作词,林隆璇演唱的一首歌曲,收录在专辑《琴逢笛手3续杯的Cappuccino》中,发行于2000年8月8日。


歌名:《卡布奇诺》 演唱:曲肖冰 作词:6诗人 作曲:6诗人 歌词: 咖啡馆的那个座位我在这里盼望着谁归, 卡布奇诺的伤悲我无路可退 好想展翅带你飞看星空夜色有多美, 命运总是在轮回有梦就要去追 Ohbaby你知不知道我现在还在这里, 你又在那个城市我们相隔数万里 小巷的夜晚还在下着朦胧细雨, 当然我在这里正在接受 风雨的洗礼我独自一人在这里, 又过了多少天又何时能够盼到 你能来到我的身边盼你能够在我耳边, 轻声浮现语嫣又盼你能够撒娇卖萌 在我身旁疯癫对我就是这样喜欢宿醉, 不管别人怎么劝也不知疲惫 哦还有嗯我有指定的座位, 不要和我抢它我会让你报废 对有人问我为何喜欢卡布奇诺, 它在我的心里不是咖啡是个过客 举起杯的那个动作我会有一种失落, 想到那个场景我会惊慌失措 咖啡馆的那个座位我在这里盼望着谁归, 卡布奇诺的伤悲我无路可退 好像展翅带你飞看星空夜色有多美, 命运总是在轮回有梦就要去追 Ohbaby这旋律我到底要, 怎么为你唱就算如今我已经 迷失了方向对于爱情我保持着我的倔强, 孤单的背影熟悉的街头待我乘风破浪 今年我才二十三有很多不一般, 月光下的夜色灯火阑珊 我不知对你为什么那么贪, 哪怕再次翻越了万水千山 咖啡馆的那个座位我在这里盼望着谁归, 卡布奇诺的伤悲我无路可退 好像展翅带你飞看星空夜色有多美, 命运总是在轮回有梦就要去追 就是这样悦耳动听的一个旋律, 你又为何没在我的身边是有什么顾忌 我知道那天是我对她贪恋, 没有任何抗拒到最后伤害了你你已离我远去 自从那天开始爱上了卡布奇诺, 不是喜欢那种味道那是一种落寞 结束了这样时光飞逝匆匆而过, 夜晚的星星还在空中继续闪烁 扩展资料: 《卡布奇诺》,由6诗人作词、作曲,曲肖冰演唱的一首歌曲。收录于同名专辑《卡布奇诺》中,发行于2018年8月17日。 歌曲简谱1: 歌曲简谱2: 参考资料来源:百度百科—卡布奇诺