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尼坤i am in love,nichkhun i'm in love 中文音译歌词中文音


1,nichkhun i'm in love 中文音译歌词中文音译歌词


撒西楞 穷吧嘶唔得 不头 可得 求哇嘿打够
嘛啦给嘎 内跟 呛 哦流喔都够求
木按就 油料卡机阿勒喵 可得 喏叽 嘎巴
克家里 苏谷 都不顾 叽唔克 叛不克就
克破叽喵 桑求不腻够啦呢瑟嘎给
度料唔咪呀普桑够 撒西里机麻
看角蓝麻木咯 克度哈古怕拉都
撒浪米 苦得拉姑那米都哟
Wuuuu I’m in love ,Wuuuuu I’m fall in love
度料金啊内哟 克得哇韩给啦喵
瑟桑唔 弄木啊楞答普就

I thought I never gonna fall in love
But I'm in love Cuz I wanna love you baby

撒西楞 穷吧嘶唔得 不头 内漫苏 唔鲁 不透
克得怕都求垄米料 度楼 偶同 哈鲁迥异可得满 都偶料
I can be a good lover Wanna be your内一clover
瑟桑诶 搜卡将和应补卡要加嘎 顿够满嘎头哟
可得gotta believe me Make you never gonna leave me
唔信哈金 啊嫩嘞哟 克哒 米哒卡哟

Haaa I'm in love,Want you my baby
Haa ha I'm fall in love
度料金啊内哟 克得哇韩给啦喵
瑟桑唔 弄木啊楞答普就

Huuu I'm in love,I'm so deepin love huuu i'm fall in love
度料金啊内哟 克得哇韩给啦喵
瑟桑唔 弄木啊楞答普就
可得嫩 弄木啊楞答普就


* I'm in love, I'm fall in love
I thought I never gonna fall in love
But I'm in love
Cuz I wanna love you baby
I can be a good lover, wanna be your 幸运草 clover
你啊 gotta believe me, make you never gonna leave me
* I'm in love, I'm fall in love
我一点也不害怕,只要和你在一起,世界是如此美丽 (x2)


nichkhun i'm in love 中文音译歌词中文音译歌词

2,i am yours 的中文歌词

歌词: Well you done done me and you bet I felt it 我承认你已经俘获我了,你心里也清楚得很 I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted 我压制着自己,但你的美早已让我失去克制的心 I fell right through the cracks and now I'm trying to get back 这种感觉妙不可言 不过现在我现在要尽量收起自己的花痴表情 Before the cool done run out I'll be giving it my bestest 在我还能装的像个高冷的帅哥时 我要把自己最帅的一面拿出来 Nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention 现在除了上帝让我出糗外没什么能阻止我了 I reckon its again my turn to win some or learn some 要么收获爱情要么收获教训了 But I won't hesitate no more, no more It cannot wait I'm yours 但是不能再怂下去,是时候了 我等不及告诉你,我已经是你的俘虏了 Well open up your mind and see like me 那么告诉我你的想法吧,告诉我你的感受吧,我也对你说了啊! Open up your plans and damn you're free 向我倾诉你的未来和抱怨吧,你不必再被这些压迫了 Look into your heart and you'll find love love love love 你的心里只会剩下满满的爱 Listen to the music of the moment people dance and sing 和着这首曲子人们都在唱啊跳啊 We're just one big family 我们就像一个大家庭,但我还不满足 It's your God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love love 我想让你享受被上帝抛弃的权利,就是你享受爱的权利啊 So I won't hesitate no more no more It cannot wait I'm sure 所以,我要勇敢点 我确信我不会再怂了 There's no need to complicate Our time is short 不需要再花里胡哨乱搞一通 时不我待 This is our fate I'm yours do do do do you but do you do do do 这已经没啥好说的了,我完全被你的魅力俘获了 你。。。额。。。你。。。 But do you want to come on Scooch on over closer dear 你愿意 你愿意往我挪一点吗? And i will nibble your ear 然后我就会轻轻地咬咬你的耳朵,嘿嘿 I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror 这句话我已经在镜子面前练了无数遍了 And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer 为了好好的练习,我弯下腰仔细的观察自己的嘴型 but My breath fogged up the glass And so I drew a new face and laughed 糟糕,我呼出的气把镜子遮住了 为了避免尴尬,我画了个笑脸在上面 I guess what i'ma saying is there ain't no better reason 练了这么多次,我猜这是最好的表白了吧 To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons 我是来把你从那些不切实际的东西里拯救出来的愿意与你长相厮守的人啊 It's what we aim to do Our name is our virtue 没错长相厮守,白头偕老 彼此的名字便是彼此的坚守 But I won't hesitate no more no more It cannot wait I'm yours 我不会再等下去了 我迫不及待去告诉你,我已经被你俘虏了 Open up your mind and see like me (I won't hesitate) 像我一样说出你心里的感受吧(我不会再等下去了) Open up your plans and damn you're free (No more, no more) 向我倾诉一切吧你不必自己一人担负了(我现在就要) Look into your heart and you'll find the sky is yours (It cannot wait, I'm sure) 当你再次审视你的内心时你就会发现那里已经海阔天空(不要怂,我要上) So please don't, please don't please don't (There's no need to complicate) 所以不要,不要(我要直接告诉你) There's no need to complicate (Our time is short) Coz our time is short (This is our fate) 你也不要绕弯子了(我们的时间不多了) 我们时间真的不多了(这就是命运的安排啊) This is this is this is our fate I'm yours 这就是命运的安排,你改变不了了 我实实在在地被你俘虏了 扩展资料排行记录 《I'm Yours》是美国Billboard单曲榜史上在榜最长时间的热门单曲(76周)。 在2008年12月12日的英国单打榜上首次亮相,排名第78,然后慢慢爬上榜单,直到排名第11位。 版本 在2009年7月发行的专辑《Yours Truly: The I´m Yours Collections》中,《i am yours》被演绎成四种版本: 鼓声伴奏版本(the 4x platinum album version)、原唱伴奏版本(the original demo version of the song)、东京现场演唱版本(a live version of the song recorded in Tokyo, featuring Japanese band Kimaguren)、贝司混声版(a Bass Over Babylon reggae mix of the song)。 歌曲MV在2008年3月初次登场,在YouTube上已经有超过4.1亿的播放量。MV于2008年在夏威夷(瓦胡岛和考艾岛)拍摄,由经验丰富的音乐录影带导演Darren Doane拍摄。

3,nichkhun唱的i'm in love 韩文 中文歌词。。。

I'm in Love 사실은 첨 봤을 때 부터 그댈 좋아했다고 其实,从我第一次见到你就喜欢你了 말하기가 내겐 참 어려웠던거죠 不过一直不敢说出口 먼저 다가서지 않으면 그댈 놓칠까 봐 如果不先走向你的话会错过你 편지를 쓰고 또 작은 선물을 준비했죠 写了信也准备了小礼物 깊어지면 상처뿐일거라는 생각에 虽然说越来越深的感情 두려움이 앞선 건 사실이지만 我也害怕会只剩下伤痕 간절한 맘으로 기도하고 바랬던 사람이 我用心诚挚的祈祷着,那个人 그대라고 난 믿어요 我相信就是你 * I’m in love , I’m fall in love 어쩔수 없네요 내 맘을 숨기기엔 没有办法,只能将我的心隐藏 그대는 너무 아름답죠 你是如此美丽 I thought I never gonna fall in love But I’m in love Cuz I wanna love you baby 사실은 첨 봤을 때 부터 내 맘속으로 부터 其实我从第一眼看到你,就打从心底觉得 그댄 파도처럼 밀려 들어 온통 하루 종일 그대만 떠올려 你就像是海浪般的推进,让我一整天都只想着你 I can be a good lover Wanna be your 네잎clover I can be a good lover Wanna be your 幸运草clover 세상에서 가장 행복한 여자로 만들어 줄게요 我会让你成为世界上最幸福的女人 그댄 gotta believe me 你啊 gotta believe me Make you never gonna leave me 약속따윈 안 할래요 그냥 보여줄게요 我不做任何的约定,只让你看着 * repeat x 2 그대는 너무 아름답죠 你是如此的美丽 我一直看见的都是这个版本,怎么看都没有推特的那句话,我还以为我被骗了。今天我终于整明白了,太痛苦了!握手!

4,我结里面nichkhun唱的I'm In Love原唱是谁

1, 原唱Ra.d(李度贤),于2002年以专辑My name is Ra..D进入歌坛。现为制作人、歌手、作曲家。同时亦是音乐制作公司Real Collabo的代表理事。
2,I'm In Love中韩歌词:
사실은 첨 봤을 때 부터 그댈 좋아했다고 其实,从我第一次见到你就喜欢你了
말하기가 내겐 참 어려웠던거죠 不过一直不敢说出口
먼저 다가서지않으면 그댈 놓칠까봐 如果不先走向你的话会错过你
편지를 쓰고 또 작은 선물을 준비했죠 写了信也准备了小礼物
깊어지면 상처뿐일거라는 생각에 虽然说越来越深的感情
두려움이 앞선 건 사실이지만 我也害怕会只剩下伤痕
간절한 맘으로 기도하고 바랬던 사람이 我用心诚挚的祈祷着,那个人
그대라고 난 믿어요 我相信就是你

HO~ I`m in love Hu~ I`m fall in love
어쩔수 없네요 내 맘을 숨기기엔 没有办法,只能将我的心隐藏
그대는 너무 아름답죠 你是如此美丽

I thought I never gonna fall in love
But I’m in love
Cuz I wanna love you baby

사실은 첨 봤을 때 부터 내 맘속으로 부터 其实我从第一眼看到你,就打从心底觉得
그댄 파도처럼 밀려 들어 온통 하루 종일 그대만 떠올려 你就像是海浪般的推进,让我一整天都只想着你
I can be a good lover Wanna be your 네잎clover I can be a good lover Wanna be your 四叶幸运草
세상에서 가장 행복한 여자로 만들어 줄게요 我会让你成为世界上最幸福的女人

그댄 gotta believe me
Make you never gonna leave me
약속따원 안 헐래요 그냥 보여줄게요 我不做任何的约定,只让你看着

Ah~ I`m in love~ Want you my baby
Ah~ I`m fall in love
어쩔수 없네요 내 맘을 숨기기엔 没有办法,只能将我的心隐藏
그대는 너무 아름답죠 你是如此美丽

Oh~ I`m in love~ I`m steep in love
Oh~ I`m fall in love
어쩔수가 없네요 내 맘을 숨기기엔 没有办法,只能将我的心隐藏
그대는 너무 아름답죠 你是如此美丽

그대는 너무 아름답죠 你是如此美丽


Nothing Better 歌手:American Authors 词曲:American Authors I don't believe it 我不会相信 I don't believe it 我不会相信 I don't believe it it's true 我不会相信这就是真理 There is nothing better than you 茫茫人间,唯有你最好 Nothing is true there's nothing better than you 世界万物,你无可替代 Go right I am wrong 我在不断重履错误 Every single time you're perfect dead it is true 每时每刻,你便是我的真理 Your heart is on call everything is not at all nothing without you 你心系一切,但无所收获 But I don't believe it 可是,我不会相信 I don't believe it 我不会相信 I don't believe it it's true 我不会相信这就是真理 There is nothing better than you 在我心中,你永远是最好 So never down forever young never miss the beautiful things you said 所以永远不要失望,保持年轻,永远不要错过你说过的美丽的事情 But I took it make my love so great 但我把它握在手中,爱如此的伟大 I search for the goal yet but not fall on you cause I've been high 我寻找的目标不同于你,它太过高远 I've been no but nothing without you 我屡遭挫折,你却因此归咎自己 But I don't believe it 可是,我不会认命 I don't believe it 我不会认命 I don't believe it it's true 我不会相信这就是真理 There is nothing better than you 在我心中,你永远是最好 Nothing is true there's nothing better than you 世界万物,你无可替代 Nothing is true there's nothing better than you 世界万物,你依旧无可替代 Hard mess hard dame it always about kick me all on my toes 总想着去硬碰硬,结果每次都是鼻青脸肿 Every dig it work on it ripping what I saw 每次战归,我总会明察得失 I am searching for diamond but I found you 探索路上,我得不到钻石却找到了钻石般的你 Because I am high I will be nothing without you 只因梦想渺茫,没有你,我将一无是处 But I don't believe it 可是,我不会认命 I don't believe it 我不会认命 I don't believe it it's true 我不会相信这就是真理 There is nothing better 没有最好 There is nothing better 只有更好 There is nothing better than you 但在我心中,你永远是最好 Nothing is true there's nothing better than you 世界万物,你无可替代 Nothing is true there's nothing better than you 世界万物,你无可替代 Nothing is true there's nothing better than you 世界万物,你依旧无可替代 Oh it's stuck about love is just about the feeling 噢,说起狂热此般感觉 It's just the feeling I let it all go 无论如何,我不会沉溺其中 Oh it's stuck about love is just the feeling 噢,说起狂热此般感觉 It's just the feeling I let it all go 不听风雨,我做好我自己 Oh it's stuck about love is just the feeling 噢,说起狂热此般感觉 It's just the feeling I let it all go 无论如何,我不会沉溺其中 Oh it's stuck about love is just the feeling 噢,说起狂热此般感觉 It's just the feeling I let it all go 不听风雨,我只愿做好我自己 But I don't believe it 但我不会轻易相信 I don't believe it 不会轻易相信 I don't believe it it's true 不会轻易相信这就是真理 There's nothing better 没有最好 There's nothing better 只有更好 There's nothing better than you 在我心中,你永远是最好 Nothing is true there's nothing better than you 世界万物,你无可替代 Nothing is true there's nothing better than you 世界万物,你无可替代 Nothing is true there's nothing better than you 世界万物,你无可替代 Nothing is true there's nothing better than you 世界万物,你依旧无可替代 扩展资料: American Authors是一支来自美国纽约布鲁克林的独立乐队,成立于2006年,由主唱兼吉他手Zachary Barnett、主吉他手James Adam Shelley、贝斯手Dave Rublin和鼓手Matt Sanchez组成。 在伯克利音乐学院相遇之后的第一年,他们来到波士顿录制音乐(包括EP:Anthropology和Rich With Love)。代表作有《Best Day of My Life》、《Believer》。 2014年发行专辑《Oh, What a Life》。 2015年5月发行了新单曲《Go Big Or Go Home》。 2016年7月发行专辑《What We Live For》

6,谁有尼坤为宋茜唱的I‘m in love的中文音译,想要学这首歌

杂西冷 中吧say得为头 苦得囧哇黑大够 嘛啦gi噶 呢跟产哦留无动够求 莫囧 哟啦卡机啊你谬 苦得弄其噶吧 卡杂里苏够都波够 其右给怕不给就 ki怕几谬 散酒不腻够那蓝森噶给 吐留无你又散工 撒西里几满 看囧啦买嘛弄 ki都哈够怕辣都 撒蓝米 苦得啦古纳尼达哟 I'm in love , I'm fall in love 度留几按内哟 苦得哇汗给那谬 say撒恩 弄木 啊留大囧 I thought I never gonna fall in love But I'm in love Cuz I wanna love you baby 撒西冷 冲吧say得不通 内慢苏 饿了不通 苦等怕啦穷咯米留 吐咯哦通 哈啦囧诶苦忒慢都哦留 I can be a good lover Wanna be your 内clover say散诶搜卡讲很不看有加敢 推够慢够他有 苦等 gotta believe me Make you never gonna leave me 额新哈进啊嫩类有 苦等米得给油 I'm in love,Want you my baby I'm fall in love 度留几按内哟 苦得哇汗给那谬 say撒恩 弄木 啊留大囧 I'm in love , I'm fall in love 度留几按内哟 苦得哇汗给那谬 say撒恩 弄木 啊留大囧 苦得努弄木 啊留大囧

7,求尼坤给宋茜唱的那首i'm in love 的中文发音对照!!!


  사실은 첨 봤을 때 부터 그댈 좋아했다고
  撒系len 草m趴思er带 扑头 可带er 抽啊嗨大古
  말하기가 내겐 참 어려웠던거죠
  马啦gi噶 内该n 差 猫聊我套en高就
  먼저 연락하지 않으면 그댈 놓칠까봐
  猫en周 腰en啦卡及啊呢喵en 可带er no其er噶趴
  글자를 쓰고 또 보고 지우길 반복했죠
  个扎了er 思古都朴古 及无ki盘扑开i就
  깊어지면 상처뿐일거라는 생각에
  ki抛及喵en 桑草不你er高拉嫩 胜噶给
  두려움이 앞선 건 사실이지만
  图聊无米 啊p扫en 高en 撒系里及慢
  간절한 맘으로 기도하고 바랬던 사람이
  看草蓝 吗么楼 ki豆哈古 怕累东 撒啦米
  그대라고 난 믿어요
  可啦够 难米豆有

  I’m in love , I’m fall in love

  두렵진 않네요 그대와 함께라면
  图聊b进 按乃有 可带哇 哈m该啦喵en
  세상은 너무 아름답죠
  赛桑嗯 脑木 啊了m他b就

  I thought I never gonna fall in love
  But I’m in love
  Cuz I wanna love you baby

  사실은 첨 봤을 때 부터 내 맘속으로 부터
  撒系len 草m 趴思带 扑套 内马m搜可楼 扑套
  그댄 파도처럼 밀려 들어 온통 하루 종일 그대만 떠올려
  可带en 怕豆草老m 米聊 特老 欧en同 哈路 中一er 可带慢 都偶聊
  I can be a good lover Wanna be your 네잎clover

  세상에서 가장 행복한 여자가 된 것만 같아요
  赛桑爱扫 卡张 嗨eng波看 要扎噶 对n 够慢 噶他有
  그댄 gotta believe me
  Make you never gonna leave me
  의심하진 않을래요 그댈 믿을께요
  呃新吗进 啊呢来有 可带er 米的er该有
  * repeat x 2

  그대는 너무 아름답죠
  可带er 嫩 脑木 啊了m他b就 求采纳为满意回答。

8,尼坤的I‘m in love Mp3

尼坤 I‘m in love Mp3 链接已通过附件上传,请下载后打开复制链接到空间即可 所给链接都经过测试,也不排除个别链接在数据库里长时间未更新而失效。 链接请复制齐全,点击或复制到浏览器窗口,测试是否能播放或自动下载! 请确认无效链接后,通过hi联系时,请发你提问的链接地址和测试结果!如能播放或下载,而在空间不能播放的,请按下面“三步走”!清空缓存,重启浏览器,刷新页面 。当然,不排除是当地的网络问题。满意链接!请点击我的回答下方【选为满意答案】按钮!【我本无名】