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Do You Want To Build A Snowman 作曲:Kristen Bell Agatha LeeMonn Katie Lopez 作词:Kristen Bell Agatha LeeMonn Katie Lopez Elsa?Do you want to build a snowman 埃尔莎?你想堆雪人吗 Come on let's go and play 来吧,我们去玩吧 I never see you anymore 我再也见不到你了 Come out the door,It's like you've gone away 走出门来,就像你走了一样 We used to be best buddies 我们曾经是最好的朋友 And now we're not,I wish you would tell me why 现在我们不是了,我希望你能告诉我为什么 Do you want to build a snowman 你想堆雪人吗 It doesn't have to be a Snowman 不一定是雪人 Go away, Anna,Okay, bye 走开,安娜,好的,再见 Do you want to build a snowman 你想堆雪人吗 or ride our bike around the halls 或者在大厅里骑自行车 I think some company is overdue 我想有些公司已经过期了 I've started talking to,The pictures on the walls 我开始和墙上的照片说话了 (Hang in there, Joan!) (坚持住,琼!) It gets a little lonely,All these empty rooms, 有点寂寞,这些空房间 Just watching the hours tick by 看着时光流逝 Elsa?Please I know you're in there 埃尔莎?拜托,我知道你在里面 People are asking where you've been 人们在问你去哪儿了 They say "have courage" 他们说“有勇气” And I'm trying to,I'm right out here for you 我正在努力,我就在这里等你 Just let me in,We only have each other 让我进去,我们只有彼此 It's just you and me,What are we gonna do 只有你和我,我们该怎么办 Do you want to build a snowman 你想堆雪人吗 扩展资料: 这首歌在电影刚开始时出现于艾莎被锁在一间隔离房间时(因为国王与皇后由于担心艾莎会无法控制其魔法力量并伤及安娜)。在他们的父母于海上的暴风雨中罹难后,安娜再次悲伤地要求她的姐姐出来,但徒然无功。 根据尼尔森SoundScan,截至2016年11月25日,该曲目的总销售量达到1,600,000次下载,位列SoundScan历史上最畅销的全美圣诞节/节日数字单曲榜单的第二位(仅次于玛丽亚·凯莉1994年的单曲《你是我最想要的圣诞礼物》)。



外文名称:For the First Time in Forever
歌 词:【Anna】The window is open, so's that door
I didn't know they did that anymore
Who knew we owned a thousand salad plates?
For years I've roamed these empty halls
Why have a ballroom with no balls?
Finally they're opening up the gates
There'll be actual real live people
It'll be totally strange
Wow,am I so ready for this change
Cause for the first time in forever
There'll be music,there'll be light
For the first time in forever
I'll be dancing through the night
Don't know if I'm elated or grassy
But I'm somewhere in the zone
Cause for the first time in forever
I won't be alone
【独白】I can't wait to meet everyone
【独白】What if I meet...the one?
Tonight imagine me gown and all
fetchingly draped against the wall
A picture of sophisticated grace
I suddenly see him standing there
a beautiful stranger,tall and fair
I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face
But then we laugh and talk all evening
Which is totally bizarre
Nothing like the life I've led so far
For the first time in forever
There'll be magic,there'll be fun
For the first time in forever
I could be noticed by someone
And I know it's totally crazy
To dream I'd find romance
But forthe first time in forever
At least I've gotta a chance
【Elsa、Anna】Don't let them in,Don't let them see
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal,don't feel,put on a show
Make one wrong move and everyone will know
But it's only for today(it's only for today)
This agnoy awaits(This agnoy awaits)
Tell the guards to open up the gates!(The gates)
【Anna、Elsa】For the first time in forever (Don't let them in,Don't let them see)
I'm getting what I'm dreaming of(Be the good girl you always have to be)
A chance to change my lonely world(Conceal)
A chance to find true love(Conceal,don't feel,don't let them know)
【Anna】I know it all ends tomorrow
So it has to be today
Cause for the first time in forever
For the first time in forever
Nothing's in my way!歌曲翻译
Cuz for the first time in forever, (I'm such a fool, I can't be free)
因为好久没在生命里(爱莎:我真太笨 能去哪里)
You don’t have to be afraid (No escape from the storm inside of me)
We can work this out together (I can’t control the curse)
We’ll reverse the storm you’ve made (Anna, please! You’ll only make it worse!)
Don’t panic (There’s so much fear)
We’ll make the sun shine bright (You’re not safe here)
We can face this thing together (No!)
We can change this winter weather
And everything we’ll be (I can’t!)