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秦宇子Crazy in love歌词

秦宇子Crazy in love歌词

秦宇子 《Crazy in love》 中英文歌词:   I look and stare so deep in your eyes   我深深地凝视着你的瞳孔   I touch on you more and more every time   每一次我越来越多地提及到你   When you leave I'm beggin you not to go   当你离开时我准备随你而去发现你没走   Call your name two, three times in a row   两次叫你的名字,又陆续再第三次叫你   Such a funny thing for me to try to explain   我尝试着向你表白这般有趣的事情   How I'm feeling and my pride is the one to blame   我感受到,是我的骄傲造成的错   Yeah, cause I know I don't understand   耶,因为我知道我不理解你   Just how your love can do what no on else can   你的爱已没有什么可以给予的了   Got me lookin so crazy right now   只有让你的爱给予我,多么疯狂   Your love's got me lookin so crazy right now   你给予我你的爱,看我变得多么疯狂   (Your love)   (你的爱)   Got me lookin so crazy right now your touch's   你抚摸我时,看我变得多么疯狂   Got me lookin so crazy right now   看我变得多么疯狂   (Your touch)   (你的触摸)   Got me hoping you page me right now your kiss's   给我希望,告诉我现在给我一个吻   Lookin so crazy your love's got me lookin   你给我爱,看起来多么疯狂   Got me lookin so crazy your love   给我你的爱,哦看起来多么疯狂   When I talk to my friends so quietly   当我悄悄的告诉我朋友时   "Who he think he is?" Look at what you've done to me   “他以为他自己是谁啊?”看着无论你对我做了什么   Tennis shoes don't even need to buy a new dress   网球鞋甚至不需要搭配新裙子   You ain't there, ain't nobody else to impress   你并不在这里,也就没有人能够铭刻在我记忆中   It's the way that you know what I thought I knew   这样才能让你知道我所想,我所知   It's the beat that my heart skips when I'm with you   当我与你在一起时, 我的心不停地敲打着,不停地跳动着   Yeah, but I still don't understand   耶,但我仍旧不明白   Just how your love can do what no on else can   你的爱已没有什么可以给予的了   Got me lookin so crazy right now   只有让你的爱给予我,多么疯狂   Your love's got me lookin so crazy right now   你给予我你的爱,看我变得多么疯狂   (Your love)   (你的爱)   Got me lookin so crazy right now your touch's   你抚摸我时,看我变得多么疯狂   Got me lookin so crazy right now   看我变得多么疯狂   (Your touch)   (你的触摸)   Got me hoping you page me right now your kiss's   给我希望,告诉我现在给我一个吻   Lookin so crazy your love's got me lookin   你给我爱,看起来多么疯狂   Got me lookin so crazy your love   给我你的爱,哦看起来多么疯狂   I'm warmed up now   我感到越来越温暖   Let's go   一起走吧   Young hova   (不懂)   Ya'll know when the flow is loco   你知道当..(不懂)   Young b and the r-o-c uh oh   O-g, big homie像家庭一样舒适自在   The one and only   唯一的   Stick boney but the pockets are fat like tony   Soprano the roc handle   Like van exel   I shake phonies man, you can't get next to   A genuine article, I do not sing tho   I sling though , if anything I bling yo   Star like ringo   星星像戒指   War like a green berret   战士像初级童军   You're crazy bring your whole set   带着你的所有,一起疯狂   Jay-Z in the range   在这范围内   Crazy and deranged   痴迷与疯狂   They can't figure him out   他们捉摸不透他   They're like "hey is he insane?"   他们总说“他是不是疯子?”   Yes sir I'm cut from a different cloth   是的先生,我就是与众不同   My texture is the best fur, I'm chinchilla   我的特征在于这最好的皮毛,(怪怪的)我是金色金吉拉   I've been ill of the chain smokers   我已成为一个生病的被束缚的吸烟者   How you think I go the name hova   你如何理解我的名字   I've been reala'   我已准备好   The game's over   游戏已结束   Fall back young ever since   自始至终我总是退却   I made you change over to platinum   我让你变得富有   The game's been a wrap   直到游戏消失后   Got me looking so crazy, my baby   我看起来多么疯狂,我的宝贝   I'm not myself lately   迟些后我将不是我自己   I'm foolish, I don't do this   我是个傻瓜,我不会这样做   I've been played myself   我会自己玩   BabyI don't care   宝贝我不介意   Cuz your love got the best of me   因为你给我你最好的爱   And baby you're making a fool of me   因为你的爱让我变成了一个傻瓜   You got me sprung and I don't care who sees   你给我春光,我不在意我是谁   Cuz baby you got me so crazy   因为你让我疯狂   Got me lookin so crazy right now   现在我看起来多么疯狂   Your love's got me lookin so crazy right now   给我你的爱,我看起来多么疯狂   (Your love   (你的爱)   Got me lookin so crazy right now your touch's   当你抚摸我时我是多么疯狂   Got me lookin so crazy right now   让我看起来多么疯狂   (Your touch)   Got me hoping you page me right now your kiss's   给我希望,告诉我你会给我一个吻   Got me hoping you save me right now   我希望你拯救我   Lookin so crazy your love's got me lookin   你给予我爱,让我看起来多么疯狂   got me lookin so crazy your love   你的爱让我看起来多么疯狂   秦宇子为配合曲风和舞台效果,穿着超短裙边跳边唱,翘臀酥胸驾驭得很有档次。不仅看得杨坤“非常兴奋”,那英也欢乐得扭动起来,“秦宇子的裙子很短,动作那么大,真的遮得很好啊”。当晚,主持人华少还细心地发现小哥的T恤上别着一个特别的标志,得到提醒的齐秦向大家解释,这个标志是公益组织“它基金”的徽章,戴上它是为了借助《好声音》的平台呼吁大家关注狂犬病患者,“我们是狼之队,而我又是’它基金’的一个代言人,希望大家能够一块儿行动起来!” 以上这篇是秦宇子Crazy in love歌词,就为您介绍到这里,希望大家能够喜欢。如果您喜欢这篇文章,请分享给您的好友,更多精彩不容错过。欢迎持续关注我们的后续更新,365语录台词网汇集和分享最新最热门的精彩内容。 >>>>>推荐阅读: