
释义:adj.无聊的;(对某人 / 事物)厌倦的;烦闷的。v.(尤指因啰唆)使厌烦;钻,凿,挖(长而深的洞)。bore的过去分词和过去式:1.There were several young people sitting around looking bored.有几个年青人闲坐着,一副无聊的的样子2.In department stores, the women ’ s shoe section is generally next to the women's cosmetics section : while the shop assistant is going back to find the right size shoe, bored customers are likely to wander over cosmetics they might want to try later.在百货公司,女性鞋子专区通常紧挨着女性化妆品专区:当店员寻找合适尺码的鞋子时,无聊的顾客可能会看看有没有她们稍后想试试的化妆品。3.The drill is strong enough to bore through solid rock.这把钻足以钻透坚固的岩石。adj.bored stiffbored to death/tearsbored out of your mind厌烦透了的;极其厌倦的 extremely boredbe scared/bored witless(informal) 被吓破了胆;乏味得要命 to be extremely frightened or .adj1.uninterested because of frequent exposure or indulgence his blase indifferencea petulant blase air.the bored gaze of the successful film star.synonym: blase; 2.tired of the world.
bored的意思是:无聊的、厌倦的、烦闷的。 一、词性: 1、作形容词:表示无聊的,烦闷的的意思。在句子中,通常作为表语。 2、作动词:表示无聊,烦扰的意思。在句子中,通常作为及物动词。 二、短语搭配: 1、bored with:意味为厌烦、厌倦、感到厌烦。 2、get bored:意味为厌倦、觉得厌烦、无聊。 3、bored to death:意为无聊死、烦死、腻烦死。 4、bored stiff:意为非常无聊,通常用于形容某种活动非常乏味。 5、bored out:意为因某种事情而感到厌倦,通常用于形容单调的工作。 6、bored to death:意为极其无聊,通常用于形容某种极端乏味的情况。 bored的例句: 1、She was so bored that she wanted badly to have a chat with somebody. 她极度无聊,很想找人聊天。 2、She was bored and cranky after eight hours of working. 在工作了八小时之后,她感到厌倦并变得易怒。 3、I am getting very bored with this entire business. 我开始对这整件事情感到非常厌倦。 4、They watched a movie together, but it felt too bored. Everyone was drowsy. 他们在一起看电影,但是感觉太无聊了,大家都昏昏欲睡。
bored 是什么意思
bored 意思是无聊的。造句如下: 1.They waited until the babies got bored and inverted their gaze from the face.他们一直等到婴儿们都厌烦了,才把目光从婴儿的脸上移开。 2.Try to vary your pushup style to lower your risk of becoming bored with exercise.试着去变换你做俯卧撑的形式,这样可以降低你对这项运动感到厌倦的风险。 3.New Understanding on the Mechanism of Post Grout Injection for Bored Piles钻孔灌注桩后压浆技术机理的新认识 4.The results indicate that the bored pile works well and has high potential carrying capacity.分析结果表明,高层建筑灌注桩工作性能良好,有较高的承载潜力。
bored的意思:感到无聊。 读音:英[bɔːd]、美[bɔːrd]。 释义: adj. 无聊的;无趣的;烦人的。 v. 使厌烦(bore的过去式);烦扰。 变形:比较级more bored、最高级most bored。 bored造句如下: 1、People naturally do not like being bored. 人类本能地不喜欢无聊的感觉。 2、I feel bored every time when I have a math class. 每次上数学课我都觉得很无趣。 3、I'm bored of this boring job. I quit! 我厌倦了这个无聊的工作。我要辞职! 4、He was getting bored with doing the same thing every day. 他对每天都做同样的事感到无聊。