
马尾辫英文是ponytail。 马尾辫(ponytail)是一种短辫子的发型,指将大部分的头发往后集中,用一个皮套或其它的可以松紧的装饰品,将辫子扎起来竖在半空中的造型。 双语例句 1、The little girl often ties a ponytail to go to school. 这个小女孩经常扎着一个马尾辫去上学。 2、Her ponytail looks very energetic today. 她今天这种马尾辫的造型看上去很有活力。 3、In order not to be affected while running, she tied her hair into a ponytail. 为了跑步时不受影响,她把头发绑成了马尾辫。 4、His hair was thinning on top, but he had a small ponytail at the back. 他的头顶发量稀疏,但他还在后面扎了一个小马尾辫。
马尾辫英文是Ponytail,词性为名词。 相关短语: 1、a ponytail麻花辫。 2、Ponytail Palm马尾棕榈。 3、Ponytail l马尾辫;马尾辨。 4、Ponytail holder珠子发圈;发圈;五金配件。 5、Ponytail Braid马尾辫发。 双语例句: 1、His ponytail had been lopped off. 他的马尾辫被剪掉了。 2、Grabbing his ponytail,Shirley gave it a yank. 雪莉抓住他的马尾辫猛地一拉。 3、Her pretty long hair came back into a ponytail. 她那漂亮的长发向后梳成了一个马尾辫。 4、Her hair was scraped back from her face in a ponytail. 她的头发拢在后面,扎成一个马尾辫。 5、She directed my verdict with an elegant little shake of the ponytail that peeped out from beneath her wig. 她的假发下露出的马尾辫优雅地晃动着,引导着我的判断。 6、She had rushed to the office from her son's school wearing sweatpants,a zippered sweatshirt,and white sneakers,with her hair jammed into a ponytail. 她穿着运动裤、有拉链的运动衫和白色运动鞋,头发扎成马尾,从儿子的学校冲到办公室。 7、With the 3 ponytail and nose ring? 绑马尾穿鼻环的那个? 8、Then pull back hair into a low ponytail. 然后将头发捋到后面,扎一个低马尾。 9、Long enough for a ponytail with swing to it. 长到能够扎起来回摇摆的马尾辫。 10、You can either try a ponytail or a headband. 试试扎个马尾辫或头巾会比较好。 11、Tara,37,has a blond ponytail and huge blue eyes. 塔拉37岁,金色马尾辫,大大的蓝眼睛。 12、Do you want it tied I a ponytail or pigtails? 你要绑成马尾?还是辫子?