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英语60写作sixty,读音为:英[ˈsɪksti] 美[ˈsɪksti]。sixty是名词,意思是六十; 六十几; 六十年代。例句:In the sixties there were the deaths of the two Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10英语翻译是:1 -one、2 -two、3 -three、4 -four、5 -five、6 -six、7 -seven、8 -eight、9 -nine、10 -ten。英文数字读法很奇妙,从1-10的数字念法最是容易不过了,初学英语者都能顺利地念出来。同样的,从11-99,对广大英语学习者来说也不难,只要熟练掌握各种十位和个位的数词念法,读的时候”十位+个位“就可以了。值得注意的是,在英文中,没有”万“这个概念,如果我们想表达”一万“,就要说成”tenthousand"(十千=一万);如果想表达“二十万”,就要说成“twohundredthousand"(两百千=二十万)。



1-60的英文单词怎么写 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen 扩展资料   sixteen   seventeen   eighteen   nineteen   twenty   twenty-one   twenty-two   twenty-three   twenty-four   twenty-five   twenty-six   twenty-seven   twenty-eight   twenty-nine   thirty   thirty-one   thirty-two   thirty-three   thirty-four   thirty-five   thirty-six   thirty-seven   thirty-eight   thirty-nine   forty   forty-one   forty-two   forty-three   forty-four   forty-five   forty-six   forty-seven   forty-eight   forty-nine   fifty   fifty-one   fifty-two   fifty-three   fifty-four   fifty-five   fifty-six   fifty-seven   fifty-eight   fifty-nine   sixty   1~60的英文单词   1 one   2 two   3 three   4 four   5 five   6 six   7 seven   8 eight   9 nine   10 ten   11 eleven   12 twelve   13 thirteen   14 fourteen   15 fifteen   16 sixteen   17 seventeen   18 eighteen   19 nineteen   20 twenty   21 twenty-one   22 twenty- two   23 twenty- three   24 twenty- four   25 twenty- five   26 twenty- six   27 twenty- seven   28 twenty- eight   29 twenty- nine   30 thirty   31 thirty- one   32 thirty- two   33 thirty- three   34 thirty- four   35 thirty- five   36 thirty- six   37 thirty- seven   38 thirty- eight   39 thirty- nine   40 forty   41 forty- one   42 forty- two   43 forty- three   44 forty- four   45 forty- five   46 forty- six   47 forty- seven   48 forty- eight   49 forty- nine   50 fifty   51 fifty- one   52 fifty- two   53 fifty- three   54 fifty- four   55 fifty- five   56 fifty- six   57 fifty- seven   58 fifty- eight   59 fifty- nine   60 sixty



答案:六十点六大写为陆拾陆。 解释:汉字数字的读法和写法是我们日常生活中经常接触到的,六十点六这个数字在写作或者阅读的时候需要转化为汉字。根据汉字数字的读法规则,六十读作“陆拾”,点读作“点”,六读作“陆”,因此六十点六的汉字表示为“陆拾陆”。 拓展:在中国的数字读法中,数字零至九的读法是“零、一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八、九”,十到十九的读法是“十、十一、十二、十三、十四、十五、十六、十七、十八、十九”,二十到九十九的读法是“二十、三十、四十、五十、六十、七十、八十、九十、壹佰、贰佰、……、玖仟玖佰玖拾玖”。在阅读或写作中熟练掌握汉字数字的读写规则是十分必要的。



60的英语单词怎么写:sixty,英[srkstr];美[siksti]。意思为六十,六十个,六十岁。 例句:He is probably over sixty. The cube of four is sixty four.Long hair for men came in the sixties.男子留长发在六十年代流行。I would put his age at about sixty.我估计他大概有六十岁。London is between fifty and sixty miles fromoxford.伦敦离牛津五十至六十英里。The cube of four is sixty four.四的立方是六十四。 1-601 one。2 two。3 three。4 four。5 five。6 six。7 seven。8 eight。9 nine。10 ten。11 eleven。12 twelve。13 thirteen。14 fourteen。15 fifteen。16 sixteen。17 seventeen。18 eighteen。19 nineteen。20 twenty。21 twenty one。22 twenty two。23 twenty three。24 twenty four。25 twenty five。26 twenty six。27 twenty seven。28 twenty eight。29 twenty nine。30 thirty。31 thirty one。32 thirty two。33 thirty three。34 thirty four。35 thirty five。36 thirty six。37 thirty seven。38 thirty eight。39 thirty nine。40 forty。41 forty one。42 forty two。43 forty three。44 forty four。45 forty five。46 forty six。47 forty seven48 forty eight。49 forty nine。50 fifty。51 fifty one。52 fifty two。53 fifty three。54 fifty four。55 fifty five。56 fifty six。57 fifty seven。58 fifty eight。59 fifty nine。60 sixty。