
shoot读法:英 [ʃuːt],美 [ʃuːt]。 动词时的意思为:开(枪或其他武器);射击;发射;射伤;打猎;(使朝某方向)冲,奔,扑,射,飞驰;剧痛跳窜;突然把…投向;拍摄;射门;(在整场比赛中)击出…杆。 名词时的意思为:幼苗;嫩芽;新枝;拍摄;摄影;狩猎;狩猎场。 第三人称单数:shoots。复数:shoots。现在分词:shooting。 shoot例句: 1、His recreations include golf, football and shoot. 他的娱乐活动包括打高尔夫球、踢足球和射击。 2、The red signal means you can shoot. 红色信号表示可以射击。 3、Troops began shoot in all directions. 部队开始向四面八方射击。 4、Soldiers went on a rampage, pillaging stores and shooting. 士兵们横冲直撞,洗劫商店并且开枪射击。 5、The solider only aimed his gun but did not shoot. 这名士兵只是举枪瞄准,没有射击。
shoot的读音是:英[?u?t]。shoot的读音是:英[?u?t]。shoot的详尽释义是v.(动词)飞速通过投篮射出,射中,射门射死,射杀,射伤拍照掷骰子损毁,使破灭挥出伸出,伸展倾倒使爆炸炸开放,放出飞快地移动射猎,打猎,狩猎长出,突出拍电影射,发射,投射射击,开枪放射伸展抛出发打中拍摄射箭开猎杀飞驰冲奔扑剧痛跳窜突然把…投向。shoot【近义词】blast。一、详尽释义点此查看shoot的详细内容v.(动词)飞速通过投篮射出,射中,射门射死,射杀,射伤拍照掷骰子损毁,使破灭挥出伸出,伸展倾倒使爆炸炸开放,放出飞快地移动射猎,打猎,狩猎长出,突出拍电影射,发射,投射射击,开枪放射伸展抛出发打中拍摄射箭开猎杀飞驰冲奔扑剧痛跳窜突然把…投向n.(名词)拍摄发射狩猎(队),狩猎会,狩猎场射击,射击会急速动作奔流一道光线幼苗,嫩芽,新枝摄影幼芽,幼枝开枪,放炮int.(感叹词)“该死!”(做了蠢事或事情出了差错感到懊恼,避免说 shit)哼!咳!二、英英释义Noun:a new branchthe act of shooting at targets;"they hold a shoot every weekend during the summer"Verb:hit with a missile from a weaponkill by firing a missilefire a shot;"the gunman blasted away"make a film or photograph of something;"take a scene""shoot a movie"send forth suddenly, intensely, swiftly;"shoot a glance"run or move very quickly or hastily;"She dashed into the yard"move quickly and violently;"The car tore down the street""He came charging into my office"throw or propel in a specific direction or towards a specific objective;"shoot craps""shoot a golf ball"record on photographic film;"I photographed the scene of the accident""She snapped a picture of the President"emit (as light, flame, or fumes) suddenly and forcefully;"The dragon shot fumes and flames out of its mouth"cause a sharp and sudden pain in;"The pain shot up her leg"force or drive (a fluid or gas) into by piercing;"inject hydrogen into the balloon"variegate by interweaving weft threads of different colors;"shoot cloth"throw dice, as in a crap gamespend frivolously and unwisely;"Fritter away one's inheritance"score;"shoot a basket""shoot a goal"utter fast and forcefully;"She shot back an answer"measure the altitude of by using a sextant;"shoot a star"produce buds, branches, or germinate;"the potatoes sprouted"give an injection to;"We injected the glucose into the patient's vein"三、网络解释1. 射门:先假射,然后在挑射.射门(SHOOT)名称键位普通射门方向键+方块键直接射门停球前按方向键+方块键高弧度挑射L1+方块键低弧度挑射1方块键+R1(能量槽显示中)低弧度挑射2双击方块键防守(DEFENSE)名称键位逼抢1X键按X键即可去抢球,2. 射击:书名的正、副标题之间夹着一张小照片,照片上左方是两位身穿军服的中东人,面带微笑,其中一人还炫耀似的双手抱持冲锋枪,右方背对镜头的显然是一位白人男记者,大胡子的他背着相机袋,手持相机 瞄准 (aim at)战士,正要 拍摄/射击 (shoot).3.3. 芽:结果表明,植物的根(root)和芽(shoot)生产力(production)对CO2和温度的升高没有相应;增加降水量导致芽生物量的增加,这抵消根生物量的减少;增加硝酸盐的含量使总生物量平均增加了26%,这主要通过刺激芽的生长实现.四、例句This is just a toy gun; it doesn't shoot.这只是玩具枪, 不能发射子弹。He shot the bird with his gun.他用枪打鸟。The sports car shot past us.赛车从我们前面飞驰而过。The scene was shot on location.这个景是实地拍摄的。The enemies made shoots at us.敌人向我们发起射击。Two weeks after we'd planted the seeds, little green shoots started to appear.我们播种后两周,绿色的小嫩芽就开始长出了。Shoot! My coat is caught in the door.哇,上衣被车门夹住了。五、常见句型用作动词(v.)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)The hunter aimed at the animal but did not shoot.猎人向那个动物瞄准但未开枪。The sentry shouted,“Stand off, or I'll shoot.”哨兵喝道:“走开,不然我要开枪了。”He told me to shoot low.他叫我朝低处射击。This gun shoots very well.这支枪很准。Our striker got into a good position to shoot, but then missed his kick.我们的前锋取得一个有利的位置射门,可惜没有射中。They used to fish in the summer and shoot in the winter.过去,他们经常夏季捕鱼,冬季狩猎。The scene was shooting and they left the village.该景正在拍摄时,他们离开了村子。Buds shoot forth in the spring.芽在春天里长出。Pain shot through his arm.他的臂刺痛。You want to tell me something?Well, shoot!你有事告诉我吗?那好,说吧!S+~+to- vThe police didn't shoot to kill.警察未鸣枪镇压。用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.The policeman shot the mad dog.警察射杀了那只疯狗。He's in Africa shooting lions.他在非洲猎狮。He shot a bird and killed it.他打中了一只鸟,并且把它打死了。Then this man will soon shoot his last shot!这样,这个人很快就不能再射箭了!The sun shoots its beam through the mist.太阳透过薄雾射出光芒。The hovercraft shot a bridge.那气垫船迅速从桥底穿过。The robbers' car shot the traffic lights.强盗的汽车飞速地闯过红灯。She shot her bolt but could think of no more to say.她想了又想,可再也想不出更多的要说了。I tried to explain to my classmates how the accident happened and found that they thought I was shooting a line.我给同学们解释事故是如何发生的,却发觉他们认为我是在吹牛。Jerry was shooting a line that his parents were friends of the American president, but no one believed him.杰里吹牛说他父母是美国总统的朋友,但没有一个人相信他的话。Let's shoot some pool.我们玩局撞球吧。He shot 70 in the first round.他第一场击出了70杆。1He was shot three times in the arm.他臂上3次中弹。This mechanism has been shot by prolonged misuse.这个机械装置由于长期滥用而毁坏了。A fellow who speaks ill of his friends like that should be shot.那样说朋友坏话的家伙真可恶。用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.She shot me a sideway glance.她向我瞥了一眼。用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. + adj./prep. -phraseShe has shot the wolf wounded.她已经把那只狼打伤了。1The postmaster was shot dead by the robbers.那位邮政局长被强盗开枪打死了。The robber was shot dead by the policeman.那强盗被警察击毙了。用作名词(n.)He is a member of grouse shoot.他是一名狩猎松鸡的队员。There's a new shoot coming up, the plant isn't dead.正在长新芽,这株植物没有枯死。New shoots appeared on the bush.灌木丛长出了新枝。The trees send out new shoots in spring.春天树都长出新枝。The next morning I found the shoots standing up straight, not a bit damaged.第二天早上我发现秧苗挺立着,一点也没损坏。He pinched out the side shoots.他掐掉边芽。The rose bush is putting out new shoots.玫瑰花丛正长出新枝。I gradually learned their methods of caring for the rice shoots.我逐步学会了他们管理秧苗的方法。The deer were eating the young shoots on the trees.那些鹿正在吃树上的嫩枝。六、常用短语用作动词(v.)shoot across (v.+prep.)飞快地越过 move quickly across sthshoot across sthThe meteor shot across the sky.流星飞快地掠过天空。shoot at (v.+prep.)力图达到 aim at or try to gainshoot at sthHe shot at a bird, but missed it.他开枪打鸟,但没有打中。He is looking for an opportunity to shoot at goal.他在寻找机会射门。shoot sth at sb/sthShe shot an angry look at him.她愤怒地盯了他一眼。I shot an arrow at the target.我对准目标射出一箭。What are you shooting your gun at?你在用枪打什么?shoot at sthHe is shooting at the directorship.他力图得到厂长的职位。shoot away (v.+adv.)迅速逃离 move away quicklyshoot awayWe've been shooting away for three hours, and haven't hit anything yet.我们已连续射击了3个小时,可是什么也没击中。shoot sth ? awayThe artillery shot away the church spire and most of one wall.火炮打掉了教堂的尖顶和一面墙的大部分。The soldier avoided military duty by shooting away one of his toes.为逃避战斗,那个士兵用枪打掉了自己的脚趾。The blockhouse has been shot away.碉堡已被炮火打掉了。shoot sth ? awayWe have shot away all our ammunition.我们把弹药用完了。shoot awayThe rabbit shot away as soon as it smelt the dog coming near.一嗅到狗走近的气味兔子就迅速逃开了。shoot down (v.+adv.)反对,击破…的论点 destroy sb's ideas by argumentshoot down into sthThe soldiers shot down into the ravine.士兵们向深谷里射击。shoot sth ? downThey had shot down five planes by dark.到天黑的时候,他们已击落了5架飞机。The anti-aircraft guns shot down three enemy planes.高射炮击落了三架敌机。The aeroplanes were shot down in flames.那些飞机被击落后冒着烟。shoot sb/sth ? downWhy did you shoot him down in flames like that?你为什么那么严厉地批评他?The chairman shot down another idea.主席坚决反对另一个意见。His clever ideas were shot down in flames.他那聪明的主意遭到猛烈的批评。shoot for (v.+prep.)打算达到 try to reach; have a goal; aim atshoot for sthWe're shooting this year for a 50% increase in sales.我们今年的目标是销售增加50%。We are shooting for a higher production level.我们力争提高生产水平。We should shoot for the best results.我们应力争取得最好的成绩。shoot forward (v.+adv.)飞速向前 rapidly progressshoot forwardThe yacht shot forward.游艇飞似地向前驶去。shoot from (v.+prep.)从…中射出 send sth out from sthshoot sth from sthHe shot an arrow from his bow.他射出了弓上的箭。shoot into (v.+prep.)突然出现 appear suddenlyshoot into sthA wild idea shot into her mind.一个疯狂的想法突然出现在她的头脑中。shoot off (v.+adv.)放枪,开炮,燃放烟火 fire or explode into air without aimingThey shot off their weapons as a sign of victory.他们朝天鸣枪以示胜利。shoot oneself自杀 commit suicideshoot out(v.+adv.)用射击解决或结束 settle or bring to an end by shootingshoot out at sbThe trapped men shot out through the windows at their attackers.那些被围困的人从窗户里向进攻者开火。shoot sb/sth ? outHe suddenly shot out his fist.他突然打出一拳。All the children shot out their hands for the money.所有孩子突然伸出手来要钱。As the teacher turned his back, the child shot out his tongue.老师转过身时,那小孩伸了一下舌头。The snake shot its tongue out.这蛇突然伸出舌头。shoot outThe new growth is just shooting out.那株新植物刚刚抽芽。Rose bushes shoot out again after being cut back.玫瑰丛在修剪之后还能再长出新芽。shoot sb/sth ? outThe two men decided to shoot it out.那两个人决定用枪决斗。shoot up (v.+adv.)迅速发送 send up rapidlyshoot up (at sth)The soldiers shot up at the windows.士兵们向上面窗户开火。shoot sth ? upSome gang came in and shot the place up.有股匪帮进来对这个地方开枪骚扰。shoot upThe girl is shooting up.那女孩长得快。After last week's rain, the weeds have shot up.上星期的一场雨之后野草开始疯长。shoot sth ? upThey shot the spaceship up into the sky.他们把飞船发射上天。shoot upward (v.+adv.)飞快上升 rise rapidlyshoot upwardThe elevator shot upward.电梯飞快地上升。shoot with (v.+prep.)用…射击 fire a gun with sthshoot sth with sthYou'd be lucky to shoot a fighter down with a light machine-gun.你很幸运能用轻机枪打下一架战斗机。用作名词(n.)the whole (bang) shoot每一件东西,一切the lot〔everything〕七、词源解说☆ 直接源自古英语的sceotan,意为射。shoot的相关近义词blast、charge、dart、dash、fire、hit、kill、race、take、branch、offshoot、slipshoot的相关临近词shop、shoo、shoots、shooter、shoot in、shootoff、shoot by、shoot at、shoot up、shooters、shootout、shooting点此查看更多关于shoot的详细信息
shoot的意思是发射。 英 [ʃuːt] 美 [ʃuːt] v. 发射;开枪;疾驰;拍照 n. 发射;嫩枝 int. 哇! 可恶!哎呀! 例句:The sports car shot past us. 翻译:赛车从我们前面飞驰而过。 短语:shoot a line 吹牛 近义词 blast 英 [blɑːst] 美 [blæst] n. 爆炸;巨响;一阵(强风);严厉的批评;愉快的经历 v. 爆破;摧毁;发出巨响;用力撞击;批评 例句:A massive car bomb blasted the police headquarters. 翻译:一个巨大的汽车炸弹在警局总部爆炸。 短语:a blast of mirth 一阵欢笑声