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背景音乐:You're the one that i want--Lo-fang
You better shape up,
Cause you need a man
And my heart is set on you.
You better shape up,
You better understand
To my heart I must be true.
You're the one that I want,
The one that I want,
The one that I need.
If you're feeling
Some affection,
That's too hard to convey.
By direction.
Baby feel your weight.
You better shape up,
Cause you need a man
And my heart is set on you.
You better shape up,
You better understand
To my heart I must be true.
You're the one that I want,
The one that I want,
The one that I need.



是Lo-Fang的《You’re the One that I Want》哦,他的歌都很有这种骚灵韵味,你是不是也觉得在这部没有台词的广告里面,这首歌是点睛之笔呀?

3,求香奈儿2018春夏秀合集bgm,歌词有oh baby hold me hold me tight

Baccara、María Mendiola、Cristina Sevilla - I Belong To Your Heart Oh baby Oh baby I can't deny it I'm feeling lonely You have gone And made me such a Fool of love Again you break my heart Oh don't let me baby I'm touch my skin And be my lover In the night There is no other Tell me why You're breaking all my dreams Tell me why I belong to your heart You always hurt the one you love Oh baby hold me tight Please don't make me cry You need to run and I need your love Baby you run away from my heart But there is no reason why I'm always trying again And we'll change the rules And back my friend please don't be so cruel I love you baby Another chance To be your girl can Change your mind To love me baby You will see That we are made for each other Oh don't be afraid Don't just Take my hand And close your eyes And just be my man My tears of joy are now Showing you You take my breath away Oh baby Tell me why I belong to your heart You always hurt the one you love Oh baby hold me tight Please don't make me cry


欢快的纯音乐有《River flows in you》 《卡农》《瓦妮莎的微笑》《童年的回忆》《星空》(这个是理查德克莱德曼的钢琴曲)《威尼斯之旅》《Kiss the rain》《蓝色的爱》《夜的钢琴曲五》《森林狂想曲》《快乐还是忧伤》《The truth that you leave》《Flower dance》《克罗地亚狂想曲》《悲怆第三章》(后两首都是特别雄伟的曲子 十分华丽)《夜莺》
下面的纯音乐虽然好听 不过有点悲伤 《Tears》《神秘园之歌》《天空之城》(个人推荐吉他版本)《罗密欧与朱丽叶》《殇》《琵琶语》《和兰花在一起》《风居住的街道》《乱红》《绿野仙踪》《童年》(班得瑞的)《安妮的仙境》
我之前为班级做过视频剪辑 用到的几个带有歌词的曲子:
《you raise me up》这首是给老师剪辑的时候用到的
《心事便利贴》这个是同学们在一起活动用的 曲调很欢快哦
《long live》同学学习时候用到的 很好听 歌词激励人心
《burning》分别一刻用到的哦 很伤感呢
希望可以帮到您哦 望采纳